Example sentences of "provide [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
2 On the other hand , thirteenth-century French " dramatic monologues " which provide parallels to the mixture of metres — octosyllabic couplets and tail-rhyme stanzas — of Dame Sirith have been discovered , and it is difficult to resist the case that these had some contributory influence on the form of Dame Sirith .
3 The failure of Keynesianism to account for and provide solutions to the growing problem of stagflation .
4 There is however , as always , a number of devoted and sincere people who believe all the teachings and claims of the associated church , and give it complete support , that is , attend the services and other gatherings , provide funds to the limit of their abilities and endeavour to preserve something of that precious atmosphere which pervades all ancient places of worship .
5 These changes in turn provide signals to the cell nucleus , which results in the activation , first of a number of immediate early genes , and later the genes required for the synthesis of new synaptic membrane constituents , especially glycoproteins .
6 It follows , after some algebra , that the following two theorems provide bounds on the overall moduli :
7 However , the approximate fields generated by conveniently chosen polarizations may be inserted in the classical extremum principles ( minimum potential energy and minimum complementary energy ) to bound the overall energy and consequently provide bounds for the overall moduli .
8 The scope for those activities is wide-ranging and students will be encouraged to undertake activities which provide opportunities for the use and development of interpersonal skills .
9 For ICI Catalysts and Technology Licensing [ C&TL ] can offer services that not only speed up and enhance chemical processes but also provide countries with the ability to build highly efficient industrial plants that play a key part in enhancing food production .
10 comes with cassettes which provide models for the exercises , and all the practice material
11 Mr. Doyle has offered to improve the location and provide seats after the sale of the trees but the chairman will discuss the matter at a later date .
12 Mr. Doyle has offered to improve the location and provide seats after the sale of the trees but the chairman will discuss the matter at a later date .
13 They are part of the Empire in name , and provide troops for the Imperial army when required .
14 They also provide troops in the form of riders equipped with experimental repeating hand guns .
15 This final section will attempt to use the material reviewed to reconcile these conclusions and provide predictions about the relationships between subjective risk and memory for driving which will be explored in the experimental chapters .
16 Some clinics helpfully provide forecasts of the likely sex , although this is against the law .
17 The aim was to draw together good practice and make recommendations to enable organisations to manage secondments effectively and provide secondees with the support necessary to enable them to contribute fully to their new jobs and to their old , once they returned .
18 The aim was to draw together good practice and make recommendations to enable organisations manage secondment effectively and provide secondees with the support necessary to enable them to contribute fully to their new jobs and to their old , once they returned .
19 It does not in itself provide conditions for the acquisition of a systemic knowledge of the foreign language , in spite of what those may say who speak of ‘ comprehensible input ’ as the determining factor in the acquisition process ( cf.
20 Some manufacturers provide figures on the energy that new appliances use , but there is usually nothing to compare them with .
21 Its tree-like structures provide shelters for the polyps , the anemone-like organisms from whose secretions it is built .
22 The accounts also provide details of the gains so far on executive share options in the merged company .
23 I refer to your fax of 17 April , in which you provide details of the type of research you propose to do for which you need an electronic dictionary tape .
24 The draft regulations also provide details of the proposed minimum content of summary financial statements for banks .
25 They provide details of the furnishings and fittings of each particular type of room .
26 Provide details of the way in which characters are displayed :
27 Filling in between times necessitates recourse to the mid-year estimates of the Registrar-General which provide details of the numbers of people in each local authority , together with a breakdown of annual changes by natural change and migration components .
28 which prospective purchasers are clients of your firm and provide details of the client partner and his local office
29 To obtain prior approval the parties involved must contact the OFT and provide details of the transaction and its expected effects , if any , on competition and on other matters of public interest .
30 Individual contacts with schools , educator-into-business schemes , industrial secondments , and seminars all provide routes for the development of new skills and techniques and the provision of support and encouragement .
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