Example sentences of "passed on [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A considerable part of these funds was passed on as dinar loans to domestic enterprises .
2 We know that the Ancient Egyptians er did insist on circumcision er they were racially very erm erm er very prejudiced the Ancient Egyptians cos they were living at the peak of cultural time and regarded all other races as inferior to them and one of the main er stigmas in inferiority was erm not being circumcised and Ancient Egyptians regarded people who were n't circumcised as filthy and erm they er they had this tremendous er racial pride in themselves as the circumcised people , and this of course has passed on into Judaism and even to Islamic faith .
3 The virus is most effectively passed on through blood or semen , and has to enter the bloodstream to become established .
4 The underlying attitude is perhaps that most people accept mentally handicapped people and are sympathetic towards them , but remain inwardly glad that it has not happened to them or to their children — ‘ there but for the grace of God , go I. ’ They also continue to believe the many myths surrounding the handicapped which have been passed on for decades .
5 According to analysts , Souto had been forced to take responsibility for recent revelations that several high-ranking officers were deeply implicated in a vast network dealing in stolen cars from Brazil and Argentina , most of which were being passed on for sale in Bolivia .
6 HIV may be passed on during sex when blood , semen ( spunk or cum ) or vaginal fluids from an infected person enter the bloodstream of her or his partner .
7 This last piece of information was passed on to Harry Dunstaple , whose skill as a gunner was now celebrated throughout the enclave .
8 As irony would have it , however , an examiner that I did have passed on to Rowse the information that , in the paper on Political Institutions , in which I did badly , I had vigorously attacked Rowse 's pamphlet on ‘ The Question of the House of Lords ’ .
9 The benefit is in savings on overheads — which are then passed on to customers .
10 Much of this was pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers .
11 This is being passed on to customers at no extra cost .
12 He wondered how much had been passed on to Kenamun , though it was unlikely that Merymose had told the priest everything .
13 These changes in genetic information are passed on to offspring , a process responsible for what the neo-Darwinists call natural selection .
14 The report was passed on to Hammond and Scott .
15 By 1987 , although the cost of producing school books was still subsidized , the distribution costs were passed on to parents .
16 Its worst loss of nerve was over a Channel 4 programme MI5 's Official Secrets in which Cathy Massiter , a former MI5 case officer responsible for surveillance of the peace movement , alleged that her investigations into CND had been passed on to government ministers for party-political use .
17 This translates into an average eighteen pounds reduction in council tax for a band E dwelling which could be passed on to council tax payers in their ninety four , ninety five bills or of course allows them more flexibility in their general financial planning .
18 Another folded slip changed hands , was again passed on to Horowitz .
19 The petition has now been passed on to Durham County Council . ’
20 The costs will thus tend to be passed on to investors .
21 At 7.30 the commission was passed on to Lloyd George .
22 This potentially infringes the " undivided loyalty " rule , even if the information about B was unknown to the individual advising A. If the information was passed on to A the firm would , however , breach its duty of confidentiality to B. A final example is that of a broker/dealer carrying out an agency cross and matching the transactions of two clients .
23 The cost would be passed on to speculators , discouraging one-way bets .
24 BSE , a disease which attacked the brain and nervous system , was believed to have been passed on to cattle through cattle feed containing the remains of sheep infected with scrapie , a similar disease endemic in the UK for over 200 years which apparently posed little risk to human health .
25 erm Obviously , as it 's being passed on to groups , we ca n't make any decision at the moment on whether we think it 's a good thing or not , we do n't get the opportunity to endorse it all , like today .
26 The process will continue , and with each stage the amount of income passed on to others in the circular flow will be reduced by leakages of taxation , saving , and imports .
27 Until he had died for man 's forgiveness , until God had raised him from the dead by way of vindication , the Spirit which rested upon him was not available to be passed on to others .
28 After the fighting had ceased women would go out and scavenge amongst the bodies , removing useful clothing and equipment which could be passed on to others , They became very skilful in preparing food with few resources , relying on the plants and small animals in the area they were camped .
29 And what happened to this warning Bernard was supposed to have passed on to Bailey ? ’
30 The West German government with effect from June 1 banned the import of British beef , including live cattle , because of fears that bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE ) , or " mad cow disease " , might be passed on to humans who ate meat from affected animals .
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