Example sentences of "regarded [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To achieve a level of composition above the ordinary it is important that the user retains the control , not the program so Auto anything should be regarded as a cop out and avoided where ever possible .
2 The funny thing was that on the day of the theft a man who often used to come and see us , and was generally regarded as a friend of the house , had been and invited the entire family Zina , myself , and both our son and daughter somewhere miles out of town to go and have a barbecue .
3 ‘ The workplace is regarded as a university with the feel of an educational setting ’ .
4 This rigidity is regarded as a price worth paying in order to achieve the objective of full integration .
5 Formerly , it was regarded as a type of Sulawesi warty pig and , more recently , as a type of bearded pig .
6 This was widely regarded as a triumph for Levi , who received a guarantee that he would retain his present Cabinet position in any future Likud-led government , and a written assurance that his supporters would receive increased representation within Likud institutions , the government , Knesset ( parliament ) committees and the Jewish Agency .
7 If style is regarded as a function of frequency , it seems reason able to suppose that style can be measured .
8 The effects may be nonstochastic ( the severity of the effect varies with the dose , and for which a threshold of dose may therefore occur below which no detrimental effects are seen ) or stochastic ( the probability of an effect occurring , rather than its severity , is regarded as a function of dose , without a threshold ) .
9 From the liberal wing of the Ukrainian Communist Party , Fokin was regarded as a compromise candidate and was elected unopposed in the third ballot ( he had re-entered the contest after withdrawing from the second ballot ) , after the communist hardliners ' candidate , Aleksandr Bulyanda , had been persuaded to stand down .
10 The letter was carefully worded — it hinted that the offer might be regarded as a debasement of his talent , but if he were not too sensitive about this he might be prepared to accept the fee which was negotiable .
11 For example , the day commemorating the massacre of the Holy Innocents , 28 December , was regarded as a day of particular ill-omen , especially in the fifteenth century .
12 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
13 Profumo unfortunately succumbed to the charms of a Miss Christine Keeler who — casting my mind back — appeared at the time to be an attractive little thing , and whose very appearance could be regarded as a warning to every husband anxious to preserve his marriage .
14 In Berlin , for example , I heard of a woman addressed as Fräulein ( ‘ Miss ’ , literally ‘ little woman ’ and widely regarded as a put-down , so that many German women have abandoned it in favour of Frau ) by a male bus driver , who said ‘ Danke , Fräulein' when she tendered her fare .
15 ( Cur Deus Homo ) , regarded as a classic in Christian writings about the ‘ atonement ’ ( the means by which , after the Fall , God is once more reconciled to humanity ) .
16 It is hardly encouraging that Terrace himself , whose book Nim ( 1980 ) is regarded as a classic in the field , after an exhaustive analysis of filmic evidence concluded that only a very small proportion of Nim 's gestures , in both training and free living , could reasonably be thought to have been initiated by the animal ; the vast majority were repetitions of what humans had just signed or , to a lesser extent , merely random .
17 Three triplet quavers appear fairly early in the piece and then become a frequent feature , but of course these can be regarded as a diminution of cell b in its three-note form .
18 SVQs will therefore not only be recognised within that industry but will also be regarded as a counterpart of the NVQs accredited by NCVQ in England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
19 In the majority of EC countries lamb is regarded as a minority meat — something like veal , which in overall terms actually outsells it .
20 It should however be noted that while profit maximization is not regarded as a goal , it is accepted in managerial theories that there is a profits constraint , either because a minimum level of profitability is a condition of survival of the enterprise , or to necessary to protect management from loss of office through take-over .
21 On the contrary , by correcting himself in this way the author is making a particular point : that although the occasion might have been regarded as a performance by some , that although it might have in time become a performance , this description is not an accurate representation of the narrator 's memories .
22 Regarded as a whole , it was unassimilable .
23 In this case the " no " decision is not a positive rejection of the proposal but an inadequacy of temptation which might also be regarded as a lack of enterprise .
24 The remit of the training scheme and those responsible for it may end at the transition point to operational activity or may continue in those periods of work regarded as a continuation of training and supervised as such .
25 In Latin America a second wave of nationalism , which may be regarded as a continuation of the national independence struggles against the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the early nineteenth century , has developed vigorously in the present century in opposition to American economic dominance , and has been connected more or less closely with socialist and reforming movements directed against the internal domination of these societies by an upper class composed of landowners , and more recently , of elements of a national bourgeoisie .
26 Newton ( erroneously regarded as a materialist by those who should know better ) was the one responsible for the Western scientific endorsement of ‘ ether ’ prior to 1 930 , having based his own work on much earlier sources , including the Greeks .
27 I think also there was the sense that the sorts of books that a lady was expected to write were perhaps rather different from the sorts of books that a gentleman is required to write , and George Eliot had already made a name for herself as a writer of erm considerable independence of mind who , I think , wanted to be regarded as a writer , rather than as a lady novelist .
28 Indeed , it could be regarded as a measure of the previous work how little needs doing after the pilot .
29 Entropy can be regarded as a measure of the disorder of a system or , equivalently , as a lack of knowledge of its precise state .
30 The percentage of effective votes , that is votes which clearly contributed to the election of a candidate and which may be regarded as a measure of voter satisfaction , throughout the Province remained unchanged at nearly 88% .
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