Example sentences of "to move [adv prt] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 they were enchanted by Finchingfield , but we soon had to move on to Thaxted , home of Dick Turpin .
2 It was now time to move on to Wembley and the Greyhound .
3 James settled briefly in the papal city of Avignon before , as a result of British government pressure , he was obliged to move on to Italy .
4 This one year course anticipates approval to HNC standard with the potential to move on to HND and Degree Courses in Textile Design .
5 ‘ Such is the progress made that they are now ready to move on to Llandudno to help clear up the mess in various houses there , ’ said Mr Thomas .
6 On Oct. 1 Russian observers who had arrived in Baku , the Azerbaijani capital , on Sept. 28 to monitor the ceasefire , were reported as saying that in Kazakh district there were no hostilities and that they were to move on to Kubatlin district next day .
7 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
8 I was lucky to move on from Manchester City Art Galleries where after seventeen years I ended up as Senior Keeper of Fine Art .
9 At first , I used to grind my teeth and think , oh God , we 've got to move on from Emerson .
10 She eventually decided to embark on a degree in business studies , and in the meantime , to move in with Jim ‘ to see whether to make it permanent or split up ’ .
11 She wanted to move in with Plummer , though .
12 In between there are some great dopey male bonding scenes with Pitt and black buddy Calvin Levels ( eg the attempt to decide whether or not to move in with Yvonne ) , plus some not-so-hot episodes with Nick Cave ( crap as usual as platinum rocker Freak Storm ) .
13 He decided to move down to Stobs to attempt recordings on the other side of Whitrope summit on the climb from Hawick .
14 Jerry also earned three full International caps for Eire ( qualifying on his father 's nationality ) , but once the Palace began to lose their way his laconic and delicate style became on occasions at least , something of a luxury our side could ill-afford , and when he became a free agent in 1985 he chose to move over to Chelsea .
15 The Westborough , Massachusetts-based company that says these will be the last to incorporate Motorola 's current 88100 RISC — it expects to move up to Motorola 's next-generation 88110 processor by the end of the year ( UX No 389 ) .
16 ‘ Your grandfather had Danes and Norwegians attacking both coasts and a Scandinavian earldom threatening to move up from Northumbria .
17 Tokyo is encouraging Japanese companies to increase their research and to move out of Japan into Europe and the United States .
18 He and his wife were badly shaken and decided to move out of Ulster so that their children could grow up under normal conditions .
19 The houses will be for people who have to move out of Bentham Drive to make way for a new rail link .
20 His father had decided in the year 1830 to move out of London and to take a small house in the country .
21 Rather than travel out from Highgate , it seemed more sensible to move out of London and travel in to town .
22 but er , er as I say while I was round there the new town was , was all built and er I found , we found such a difference cos I used to have to go into Old Harlow shopping , I used to cycle before I was handicapped like this , I used to cycle everywhere , and er I went , you used to have to queue up in Old Harlow for the shops , we had n't got anything here at all , no Stow or anything when I first , I mean when I came here nothing , it was just terrible terrible lane up here it was and all these were all ploughed fields and it was really terrible and I had erm , I used to have to cycle into the doctors Old Harlow , queue up , queue up at the butchers , queue up everywhere you had to queue and er , till they built this er the new , The Stow then we used to go to The Stow shopping you know which made such a difference , but er , during my say during my lifetime I 've so , so pleased when the new town came because I wanted to move back to Nazeing where I came from when I first got here because it was such a terrible place there was nothing doing whatever , you know and then I moved erm , as I say after I got round the front there it was more , better really , you know , with all the er traffic and that you could see people going by and that as otherwise it , it was monotonous really in Common Fields , you did n't see much at all there , but you know it was , I quite enjoyed it really , now what else have I got to tell you ?
23 Indeed , I may never complete it , now that we have to move back to England to sort out our difficulties there . ’
24 She bought a successful suit for restitution of conjugal rights , expecting to move back to Neeld 's palatial house in Grosvenor Square , but , to spite her , Neeld moved into two rooms in a hotel .
25 is a qualified accountant ( FCCA ) and plans to move back to Suffolk with his family to live at Glemsford near Sudbury .
26 The humiliation proves too much and he plans to move back to America .
27 I wanted to move back to London because my job is getting more demanding . ’
28 Five years later the 1,100-member club decided to move back to Duke Street .
29 And Tasha would like to move back to Yorkshire .
30 Going back : Graham Robb , the Tory candidate defeated in Hartlepool at the general election , is to move back to Darlington .
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