Example sentences of "to buy [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was a clever woman with obscure sources of energy who would suddenly start to garden by torchlight late at night , or walk wilfully all the way to Soho to buy vegetables at the times when the pin in her hipbone was especially painful .
2 Last year a Mori poll revealed that 71 per cent of adults would be more inclined to buy products from a company that supports the community and society than one that does not .
3 erm They do n't like them to buy copies of the school reading scheme and keep it at home and go through it book by book , that they feel is encroaching on their professionalism .
4 Miloš used these funds to buy estates from the Turks , and then he transferred them either into his own hands or into those of his Serbian friends .
5 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
6 The prime business of the eight members of the London Discount Market Association is to buy bills at a discount and hold them until redemption date , thereby taking a profit .
7 However , in the face of market expectations , the Bank took advantage of a money market shortage on 5 March to buy bills at a rate of discount of 11.75 per cent , 0.5 per cent higher than the previous day 's dealings and about 1 per cent above what markets were anticipating .
8 The illusion of success was maintained only because the group 's high share price enabled it to buy companies on the cheap and so keep pushing up total profits and earnings per share .
9 But even in those circumstances the new rules hopefully should make sure that it is more difficult for managements to buy companies on the cheap from under the noses of their shareholders .
10 The agency believes that investors will refuse to buy plants in the polluted region if they will also have to pay for cleaning up the environment .
11 Colin and Eamon Meehan claimed that they were not guilty of trying to buy weapons in the US for the Provisional IRA because their internment by the British in the 1970s drove them insane .
12 Continued financial pressure on the NHS has led many authorities to reduce their long stay provision or to buy places within the private sector , which are often cheaper than their own beds .
13 We have no money to buy dressings for the wounded .
14 The real issue was protecting personal freedom ( of incomers ) to buy properties on the free-market .
15 There is the folklore assertion that when an experienced warrener went to buy ferrets at a market his first action on inspecting them was to insert his hand in a cage containing a number of the animals .
16 The majority of payments were too small to replace the income lost from earnings and , therefore , were used to supplement other income , to buy goods for the home or saved for emergencies .
17 Sterling fell heavily in Tokyo overnight and slumped to a record low of Dm2.3235 soon after UK trading began , compelling the Bank to intervene to buy pounds on the currency markets and the Chancellor to make a statement echoing the overnight comments by Eddie George , and ruling out another cut in UK interest rates soon .
18 He may simply be an entrepreneur who perceives the opportunity to buy resources at a total cost lower than the revenue he can obtain from the sale of output .
19 A producer need not own any resources in order to engage in production ; he merely has to know where to buy resources at a price that will make it worthwhile to produce and sell the product at its attainable price .
20 By a curious coincidence , this month you have two chances to buy depictions of the Grand-ducal coronet of Tuscany destroyed during the Napoleonic invasions .
21 He was really going to buy cigars at the shop next door , but I saw the sugar mice in the window and he could n't get me away until he came in and bought some .
22 Conversely , if the Bank of England wishes to expand the money supply , it will instruct its broker to buy securities on the open market and will pay for them with cheques drawn on itself .
23 She 's used some of that money to buy plaques for the three mine rescue teams who helped in the operation .
24 But we mostly seemed to buy toys on the way somewhere to do something else .
25 One artist testified at the Copyright Office 's January hearing in San Francisco that a $55 royalty on the sale of a sculpture enabled him to buy materials for a new work .
26 Later , relatives of another polio victim told the Derry Journal that he had been beaten up by a group of policemen when he went to buy cigarettes on the evening of Sunday 6 October .
27 Does the hon. Gentleman really wish to imply that it is difficult for young children to buy cigarettes from a local corner shop ?
28 People gathered in groups outside the burger place ; others went to buy cigarettes from the Indian shop on the corner and then stood at the bus stop .
29 In 1984 , it was perfectly possible to buy tickets on the morning of the Grand Slam decider with France .
30 So she crammed six big fellers into her front room , sat them down with rum and blankets , and the whole bunch snuggled up like they were queueing all night to buy tickets for the Test Match .
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