Example sentences of "moved [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Two of those references are to research by Professor Harry Smith and his colleagues in Birmingham — work which has certainly moved on during the intervening decades .
2 His return to Eaton Park could scarcely have come at a more opportune moment considering that Gordon Hamilton , Stuart Laing , Norman Robson and Davy Nicholl have all moved on during the close season .
3 But it is not merely the world of ideas and scholarship which has moved on since the 19th century .
4 FURTHER intelligence about the amazing Mr Humphrey Berkeley , who left the Conservative Party after bequeathing it an elective system for choosing its leaders , joined Labour , then moved on to the SDP , only to resign from it , too .
5 He was moved on to the job when we were short-handed last winter , and up-graded from labourer . ’
6 He dusted it a little , to marvel better , and then moved on to the glass coffin .
7 ‘ Water Babies ’ featured Linda Frew and June Milligan feeding our sea-lions , and starred the new baby sea-lion ; and then moved on to the young penguins next door .
8 The Labour Party has moved on to the social democratic ground , it may even choose to call itself a social democratic party — in any case , it should complete the process with a constitution to suit .
9 The service 's interest began with his trade with Russia , then moved on to the Iran-Iraq war and the build-up to the Gulf crisis .
10 The Founders moved on to the next question .
11 There 's also Bob 's ‘ Songs Of Freedom ’ , a force worldwide , but out of fashion in Jamaica , a country that has moved on to the more bodily delights of raggamuffin .
12 Baton Rouge , Louisiana-based Fifth Generation Systems , a little spitfire in the MS-DOS world , has moved on to the Unix scene with its first Unix product , Fastback Plus Unix , a $345 backup and restore utility for Intel Corp 80386 and 80486 machines running UnixWare , Interactive , SCO Unix , System V.3/V.4 and Consensys V.4.2 .
13 But Dr Dunstaple had now moved on to the treatment .
14 It was a relief when I was moved on to the Sports Desk ; these were gains and losses of a different kind and they did n't involve people getting killed .
15 He 's got friends there who 've moved on to the staff , and he reckons he can pump them for information without making any official waves .
16 Ace checked his in turn and then moved on to the other team members .
17 Lewis meanwhile moved on to the Daily Mail , where till 1930 he wrote a column called ‘ At the Sign of the Blue Moon ’ .
18 Now the last person I had moved on to the hundreds had enormous problems with the stickiness of them .
19 The couple have now moved on to the more complicated use of silks , and subjects have varied from masterpieces such as The Old Mill and The Haywain to a girl skating on a lake and a Victorian winter scene .
20 Captain Swan was the trainer on that occasion and Charlie then moved on to the Kevin Prendergast yard where he had to give up Flat racing because of a sharp rise in his weight following an accident .
21 The interview then moved on to the consideration of the Head of Department 's departmental work , but kept drifting back to his ambition for wider experience .
22 And by now the Prime Minister has moved on to the next sterling crisis .
23 This system involves a continuous rotation of paddocks in which the susceptible younger calves graze ahead of the immune adults and remain long enough in each paddock to remove only the leafy upper herbage before being moved on to the next paddock .
24 But when I got there , he 'd already moved on to the Middle East .
25 But , although the construction company 's overlord continued to stay away , a day or two later a gang of his labourers moved on to the land which surrounded her house .
26 On average , a sixteen-year-old recruit to farming will have moved on by the age of twenty-three — ; usually to the building and construction or road haulage industries .
27 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
28 It is undoubtedly a good thing that royal reporting has moved on from the tradition of deferential reverence in which James Whitaker first learned his trade .
29 When he made what may be argued were his next intellectually significant appearances , in 1923 at the Peasant International and in 1924 at the Fifth Congress of the Communist International , he had moved on from the French Communist Party and was now accepted in Russia as a revolutionary of considerable promise .
30 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
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