Example sentences of "moved [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When plant is being moved between locations cover provides for fire and theft when plant is outwith premises owned by the Insured .
2 At last the parade of superstars plugging their ‘ secret ’ solutions to weight loss , eternal youth and drop-dead good looks has moved off centre stage .
3 In this period of ‘ realism ’ the immediate concerns of many workers have moved towards job security .
4 The railway slopes uphill when its VP or vanishing point is moved above eye level ; for a downhill slope the VP falls below eye level , EL .
5 As the lending library market began to subside under an increasing onslaught of cheap paperback titles , Mills and Boon themselves moved into paperback production .
6 It was n't until five weeks before Prince William was born that the royal couple moved into Kensington Palace , the home also of Princess Margaret , the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and their immediate neighbours , Prince and Princess Michael of Kent .
7 A few more war damaged cars and non-standard cars for which spare parts were not available were moved into Purley depot .
8 North himself then moved into water supply , buying in 1875 an old hulk to use as a tanker , and when in 1878 an English group founded the Water Company of Tarapacá in Iquique to bring water from Arica , he rented the carriage business and storage tanks on a service contract and ran it well .
9 Terry Jones has moved into film direction , as has Terry Gilliam , the show 's animator .
10 In 1989 , Spiro and his new family moved into £500,000 Rake Manor , near Godalming , Surrey .
11 The army moved into Air Sugihan on 15 November , 1982 .
12 Many machines have tuck brushes or rubber wheels beneath the sinker plate ; these have to be moved into working position .
13 Competition was further boosted with the lifting of exchange controls in 1979 , and by 1981 the competition that had grown within the monetary sector spilled over to confront building societies as banks moved into mortgage lending .
14 IN the post-war years when a shortage of building materials led to a virtual moratorium on construction , the young lions of the architectural scene moved into exhibition design .
15 Holland actually moved into trade surplus with Germany last year .
16 Events moved with lightning rapidity .
17 The double breasted suit moved from Savile Row to the high street and console jockeys of the financial markets , celebrated in the Thames series Capital City .
18 The record company had now moved from Vernon Yard to larger premises , beyond the canal , railway tracks and council estates .
19 This afternoon Hanger was moved from Grendon prison and he 's now being questioned by police in Dorset .
20 If Melanie 's aunt had moved from Cherry Cottage , the phone number would no longer be listed under Grant .
21 Monitoring of people moved from Friern Hospital in north London and Claybury Hospital in Essex shows that they are not slipping out of the system and are enjoying a better quality of life with greater independence and a more varied social life .
22 People moved from Friern Hospital in north London are enjoying a better quality of life with greater independence and a more varied social life
23 Recently moved from Holland Park , the gallery specialises in seventeenth , eighteenth and early nineteenth-century prints and here you can find the extraordinary and the exquisite ; pictures that are touching and others that are bizarre .
24 During the preceding night , the trams moved from Thornton Heath to Purley depôt , the move of stores and equipment being effected by three lorries and the tramcars themselves .
25 Two of the sons of that marriage also became doctors , Thomas and Charles , and it was under their supervision that the asylum was moved from Manor Farm House to Chiswick House in 1893 , where it remained until 1929 .
26 Under the Conservatives , Britain has moved from manufacturing trade surplus to manufacturing trade deficit .
27 The approach of the mid-term Congressional elections in November 1946 , and the evidence from the public opinion polls that the American people had moved from wartime admiration of Russia to a grave suspicion of Soviet aims , were further pressures on Truman to take a tougher line .
28 But musically at least , you 've moved from Stooges-meets-Beefheart conflagration to something more classically structured : the songs are like the charred and gutted husks of magnificent pop architecture .
29 Most of the 22 people have moved from Newchurch Hospital , Warrington .
30 Most of the 22 people living in the houses have moved from Newchurch Hospital , Warrington .
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