Example sentences of "twice [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know that because his cigar had burned down and the ash had dropped twice off the end of it . ’
2 Once or twice during the Course he would make an excuse to come to collect something or other , and I think he enjoyed seeing some of the results of the teachers ' acquaintance with the displays .
3 Mrs Brown says she passed urine twice during the night , possibly at 4.30 or 5.30 .
4 Mrs Brown says she passed urine twice during the night , possibly at 4.30 or 5.30 .
5 Jean-Claude had been back to Reine twice during the year , to visit his mother .
6 Not to be missed is the spectacular flower carpet 1200m x 60m made up of millions of bulbs which will be replaced twice during the exhibition by late spring and summer flowers .
7 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
8 Doctor Teesdale visited the condemned man in prison once or twice during the week before he was put to death .
9 Twice during the meal Gennaro was called away to the phone .
10 We went on to Shwebo and Katha , and returned to Sagaing , where we boarded an old Irrawaddy steamer which had been sunk twice during the war and recovered on each occasion .
11 All being well , the skies will part once or twice during the festival — only the second time the event has been out in the open air .
12 Curious thing — she who held on to so many grievances , never spoke twice about the money she kept pouring out on all of us .
13 Moments later , the court heard , Hobbins fired twice through the door .
14 Mayli hesitated just briefly before shooting him twice through the chest .
15 Her son had been stabbed twice through the back with a carving knife , as he lay in his cot .
16 He shoots twice through the window and kills her .
17 Harry rolled the two bodies over the gunwale into the sea , then stabbed twice through the bottom of the boat to sink it .
18 The report has been referred to twice as the County Council report .
19 Europeans pay twice for the Community 's farm madness : as consumers and as taxpayers .
20 It has already been used twice for the circulation of internal mail and resealed by means of staples and Sellotape .
21 The traditional complaint of consumers — who in Belfast supermarkets this week demonstrated their enthusiasm for cheaper beef — is that they pay twice for the beef mountain .
22 He played twice for the Republic of Ireland in 88–89 .
23 Tap Enter twice after ‘ Task 20 ’ but tap New line twice after the shoulder headings ‘ SOFTWARE ’ , ‘ HARDWARE ’ etc
24 He was seen twice near the village of Langley Park on Saturday night , and yesterday a woman noticed him on the busy A167 dual carriageway on the outskirts of Durham City about 10 miles from Lanchester .
25 ‘ We made it , ’ and he slapped the gloved hand twice against the steering wheel .
26 There was little traffic on the picturesque road from Roziac to Alès and Melissa drove slowly , stopping once or twice along the way to contemplate the magnificent scenery .
27 The nerve gas would only be released if the incorrect code was programmed twice into the computer .
28 That 's twice with the chief , thought Rex , who rather than have his head mashed by a slamming door , put his boot against it and offered a mighty kick .
29 He rapped twice with the back of his knuckles .
30 I tried to kill myself twice in the space of ten days ,
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