Example sentences of "unable [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 's a good ol' boy from Alabama who is unable to go any length of time without touching a golf club .
2 Thank you for all your contributions over the last year , and please accept my apologies if I have n't been able to use an article that you 've sent , hopefully the next issue will contain those for which due to lack of space I was unable to include this time .
3 Once its position as such authorised representative was first suspended , and then terminated , Winchester was unable to conduct any investment business .
4 Watching him , they were unable to see each other so could only guess at what warned him .
5 Whereas for the other his faulty picture may go back to badly tangled family relationships which have left him unable to see any authority as good or loving .
6 ‘ Is that smoke ? ’ she asked him , pausing on a bridge to gaze some more , though unable to see any source of a fire .
7 Anyone in the building can breathe and move but is unable to see any thing , so the theory is that he wanders clueless in a cloud until the security-squad charges in with a chemical that breaks the foam up .
8 Parson thought this was ridiculous , but he realized that even days before he would flee , the Shah was unable to acknowledge that power had slid from him like snow from the mountains in spring .
9 Discrepant results have been described by Fiorrucci and coworkers who were unable to confirm any difference in gall bladder emptying rates induced by hormonal stimulation .
10 Once Heseltine departed , succeeding Secretaries of State for the Environment such as King , Jenkins and Baker , were unwilling or unable to sustain this vision .
11 Congress , time and time again , the majority of our sponsored MPs appear unable to sustain any sort of attack on this government 's policies .
12 In such cases the system will be unable to spot any error as they will pass successfully through all stages of analysis .
13 Never having flown in an aeroplane , I was unable to corroborate this view .
14 True plants are unable to perform this trick , but many can and do use a scent to avoid danger .
15 Okay , definition of disability , what they 've actually got to be , to be able to claim is unable to perform any part of their normal occupation .
16 And , okay , unable to perform any part of her normal occupation and they 're not doing anything else , for which they 're paid , not following any other gainful occupation okay , so definition is , unable to perform any part of their normal occupation , and they 're not following any other gainful employment .
17 And , okay , unable to perform any part of her normal occupation and they 're not doing anything else , for which they 're paid , not following any other gainful occupation okay , so definition is , unable to perform any part of their normal occupation , and they 're not following any other gainful employment .
18 Normal occupation , unable to perform any part of it .
19 Unable to perform any part of his normal occupation , and is not following any other gainful occupation D.
20 But ministers want to tighten the rules to ensure only people unable to perform any sort of work would qualify for payment .
21 I much regret that I will be unable to attend that conference because of my forthcoming visit to southern Africa .
22 TGWU secretary to the shop stewards and a member of the National Campaign for the Nuclear Industry , was unable to attend this year 's conference , but was heartened by the vote .
23 For various reasons they were unable to attend this meeting , and so all the arresting officers could do was to take the names of those who were present .
24 The HSE declares itself satisfied with the general health monitoring programmes run by the companies involved in building biotechnology factories but aside from the ICI programme New Scientist was unable to discover any others established especially to periodically review the health of workers involved in biotechnology processes .
25 This demonstrated the uneasy nature of American policy from 1948 to 1950 — clear that south Korea was not essential to American strategy against the Soviet Union but equally unable to accept that south Korea might go communist .
26 I am quite unable to accept that Parliament in adopting somewhat more prolix language was intending to achieve a result which differed from that recommended by the committee .
27 I am unable to accept this interpretation of the judgment .
28 The Cuban government found itself unable to accept this counter-proposal and withdrew its own offer .
29 I am unable to accept this argument .
30 I am unable to accept this argument , whether it is applied to the contravener himself or to persons ‘ knowingly concerned . ’
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