Example sentences of "unable [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Twice during the 1980s , Brazil effectively defaulted on its foreign debt and on many occasions has declared itself unable to carry out the promises made in its successive Letters of Intent to the IMF .
2 are still at an incompetent stage , they still are unable to carry out the job .
3 After making it across the ramp once , unable to see where the hell he was going , he slammed like a sack of spuds .
4 Moore was unable to see where the rat had gone .
5 Lawrence J stated at p601 , " I am unable to see how the word " indirectly " " can be limited so as to exclude the settlements which are made through the inter-position of a company . "
6 Unable to see out the operator inside was responsible for a few unintentional gropes during rehearsals !
7 The economy will deteriorate further and be unable to support either the military establishment or the civil and political movement toward a free and democratic country .
8 She was worried the water , if unable to flow up the Colne to Colchester , will be forced to find its level in St Osyth .
9 On May 7th , German troops massing at Thiaumont for an attack were suddenly blanketed by accurate air-directed artillery fire , and noted bitterly that , virtually for the first time , their fighters were unable to drive away the French observation planes .
10 Unable to accept again the superstitions he had discarded , nevertheless with time and misfortune he found himself turning back to the three deities who had guided his early life , and helped him through his harsh apprenticeship as a scribe : the reasonable Thoth , ibis-headed , god of the scribes ; Horus , son of Osiris ; and the protector of the hearth , Bes — the little god of his childhood .
11 Desperately he clung to it unable to bear even the thought of the nothingness again , and felt Fox 's fury lash against him .
12 One old chap wrapped his set in aluminium cooking foil and put clingfilm over the screen , thinking the detector van would be unable to pick up the signals .
13 So it was that — ill-equipped , ignoring all warnings , and unable to pick up the BBC World Service on our radio — we confronted El Jocoso without guides and in a thunderstorm .
14 And once again the autocracy appeared unable to mobilise effectively the resources that they created , through an industrial economy , to fight a modern war .
15 The fact was that , since the ancient and mysterious spell had squatted in his mind , he had been unable to remember even the simplest cantrap for , say , killing cockroaches or scratching the small of his back without using his hands .
16 Clearly in this case , where both parties were , by their own admission , drunk and unable to remember fully the events that took place , the commanding officer was placed in a very difficult position .
17 But Lewis found himself unable to dredge up the appropriate simile .
18 We were unable to explore systematically the electrical control activity in the postprandial state because of the patients intolerance to food .
19 In the present case the plaintiffs have been unable to suggest why the defendant should lose his home as well as his brother by reason of the death of his brother .
20 Some of them would make their way to the railway station , but a few , having no horse and trap and unable to afford even the train fare , would travel on foot the whole week , often sleeping rough in the fields or in barns or farmhouses .
21 Giving up on the sheep , she stared at the curtain that fluttered in the cool breeze through the ill-fitting window and tried to recapture the warmth and pleasure of their lovemaking , the feel of his body moving with hers , but was unable to shut out the infuriating sound of the steady drip into the bucket like Chinese water-torture .
22 They may become apathetic , unable to do even the simplest task .
23 Often , two individuals will sadly suffer their pain and loss alone , unable to share either the love or the suffering .
24 She stopped dead , unable to prise out the words which could jeopardise the life that she and Thomas shared , which could wreck the child 's emotional stability she had worked so hard to ensure , which could take him away .
25 Furthermore , the mutated oligonucleotides were unable to compete out the complexes formed by the wild type sequences , even when a 500 molar excess of competitor was used ( data not shown ) , reinforcing the conclusion that the protein-DNA complexes were mediated by the mutated guanine residues .
26 I am utterly unable to understand how the retention by the trustees in their own hands of a portion of the income which they receive in order to pay lawful claims upon the fund , and charges which probably the lady herself would have had to pay or get paid for her , if she were resident in New York , and which the trustees will have to account for fully , can change the " origin or parentage " of the residue of the income received , lodged with the bankers of the beneficiaries .
27 I am utterly unable to understand how the retention by the trustees in their own hands of a portion of the income which they receive in order to pay lawful claims upon the fund … can change the " origin or parentage " of the residue of the income received [ and ] lodged with the bankers of the beneficiary .
28 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
29 Unable to keep up the pretence any longer , she 'd told her friend the whole , disastrous story behind her stay in New York , only withholding her fears about a possible pregnancy as she 'd related the disastrous sequence of events .
30 He asked me to resign , but I think that was just an excuse to get rid of me because he 's jealous of my work ! ’ she finished baldly , quite unable to dress up the truth .
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