Example sentences of "arrived in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By means not specified , from Portugal he arrived in Victorian England , where he got the idea that Lady Laetitia Winthrop ( played by a ‘ discovery ’ from the world of modelling , whose acting talent was 36-23-36 ) was his long-lost love from a world before the subterranean cavern .
2 Man is a primarily a tropical animal , only recently arrived in polar regions .
3 Among names that immediately spring to mind are those of Sydney Schanberg , the former New York Times correspondent who was in Phnom Penh at the time of the fall , and whose subsequent search for his Cambodian assistant , Dith Pran , was documented in Roland Joffé 's film The Killing Fields , who arrived in Indo- China at the age of 21 and was there from 1970 to mid-1975 , first with Agence France Presse , then as a stringer for The Sunday Times — when all the other journalists were getting out , Swain was either brave or foolhardy enough to fly back into Phnom Penh in time for its fall ; William Shawcross who , along with many others , covered the Vietnam war for The Sunday Times and who subsequently became obsessed with the fate of Cambodia , an obsession that resulted first in Sideshow , which exposed the role of Nixon and Kissinger , and then in The Quality of Mercy , a study of the work of the Red Cross in Cambodia ; John Pilger , the British-based Australian journalist whose work on Cambodia may have had little concrete effect but has at least helped to ensure that the tragic country will never disappear into oblivion ; Philip Caputo , who went initially to Vietnam in March 1965 as a 23-year-old Marine officer with the first US combat group sent to Indo-China and returned in 1975 as a correspondent to report on what was left of the war .
4 When arrived in that part of the Atlantic , they fall in with the Westerly winds , which generally blow two-thirds of the year in that tract ; which may help to convey them to the shores of the Hebrides and Orkneys .
5 When arrived in that part of the Atlantic , they fall in with the Westerly winds , which generally blow two-thirds of the year in that tract ; which may help to convey them to the shores of the Hebrides and Orkneys .
6 I arrived in that polling booth all ready to vote the straight Republican ticket .
7 Two coaches carrying about 9O French passengers arrived in brilliant sunshine at 12 noon .
8 Further assistance was called , a bath-chair arrived in due course , and my father was transported up to his room .
9 The helicopter arrived in late September .
10 Yesterday the estranged couple arrived in separate cars to join princes William and Harry at Ludgrove School , in Wokingham , Berkshire , for a Christmas carol concert .
11 They arrived in separate motorcades and barely exchanged a glance as they walked across the tarmac .
12 On Nov. 29 , 300 French troops arrived in neighbouring Benin , the French Foreign Ministry insisting , however , that the action was taken to protect the 3,000 French nationals in Togo .
13 She arrived in central London so late that she had to park in the street outside the English department , with not a free parking meter in sight .
14 It was mid-evening , therefore , but still light , when eventually she arrived in Lower Axe .
15 It 's come in in different ways , maths , English and science from Spring Gardens is separate separate sheets which we can actually take out the files and give to each department , there 's no problem there Saint John 's again , is separate sheets , Collingwood is n't , it 's actually on photocopiable sheets , we either cut them up and give them out separately in some form or whatever , and what I 've , what we hope to do over the next maybe this year is to ask them for a sheet each , for each subject that we can actually take out of the file and give to each department , so that is has arrived , it ha did arrive last year but it arrived in such hotch botch that we did n't actually give it out , but we certainly have it this year and Marian and I certainly , Marian anyway will get that together and give it out to departments .
16 I arrived in good time and was shown into a small living-room where a clothes-horse , hung with baby clothes , stood steaming before an electric fire .
17 His evidence was the migration of the water hen ( Tribonyx ventralis ) , which arrived in enormous numbers in November from somewhere in the north , and returned again after only two or three months .
18 On the whole , they had either been through the English education system and had therefore a good command of English and a limited domestic register in their other languages , or they had been educated abroad and learnt their English as adults when they arrived in this country .
19 I suffered a dislocation as acute as when I arrived in this country .
20 If you had observed my father who arrived in this house a week after you did , you will have seen that his house knowledge is perfect and was so almost from the time he set foot in Darlington Hall . ’
21 Winter arrived in some parts of West Germany just 15 days after autumn officially began and some areas in the Black Forest and the Alps recorded freezing temperatures and snowfalls
22 Among the guests were thousands of plain-clothes police and out-of-uniform soldiers , some of whom arrived in military trucks , dressed as clowns .
23 Two arrived in military ambulances .
24 Fr Piet Leliveld , newly arrived in war-torn Sudan , writes to say that he is now in Omdurman , near the site of the famous battle of 1898 , waiting for a government permit to move to El Obeid .
25 Dr Mardell arrived in Konjevic Polje on Wednesday after walking 15 miles from Srebrenica where the UN commander in Bosnia , Gen Philippe Morillon , of France , was suffering difficulties of his own .
26 Bidding was kept lively by a large number of Italian clients who according to one organiser all arrived in open Porsches with Milan number plates and invariably occupied front row seats ‘ flamboyant but not the very rich sort of Italians , you understand ’ , he said .
27 Eventually a papal legate , John of Anagni , arrived in northern France on a peace-making mission and he was able to obtain an undertaking from both Kings that they would abide by the decisions of an arbitration panel consisting of himself and four Archbishops , Rheims , Bourges , Rouen and Canterbury .
28 Ten days ago the AMF(L) Supply Company RAOC arrived in northern Turkey to support the multinational Allied Command Europe Mobile Force ( Land ) , ( AMF(L) ) , as part of the Logistic Support Battalion .
29 Joseph arrived in sullen mood , having learnt that soldiers were marching through the Wallowa among his women and children .
30 Throughout the 1970S , this delightful village was the priority holiday venue of my wife and myself , a kind friend providing her cottage for our annual visits : always we arrived in eager anticipation and departed with reluctance .
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