Example sentences of "seeing [pers pn] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Misperceptions of elderly people — from seeing them as a burden and expecting them to be docile , to assuming that older people can not be aggressive or violent — play a part in how physical abuse is perceived .
2 The tribes that had emerged from much earlier migrations were the Iceni and that of Cassivellaunus , who was clearly hostile to the newcomers , seeing them as a threat round the northern borders of his kingdom .
3 These section 52 agreements became the object of increasing contention in the 1970s , with local authorities seeing them as a means of bargaining for planning gain , while developers , at the extreme , regarded them as blackmail .
4 The emphasis , therefore , shifts away from the uneven development of class relations and towards elites within the state apparatus , seeing them as the key , relatively autonomous decision-makers .
5 Here the unconscious mind takes the more specific form of Christabel 's sexuality and sexual desires , which she has been taught by her upbringing to disregard , and even to suppress , seeing them as the dark and evil side of human nature .
6 However , apparently you have no trouble seeing me as a thief ! ’
7 Ca n't you stand the fact that I 'm seeing you as a fallible human being instead of the flawless cardboard cut-out you like to pretend to be ? ’
8 At the first performance Vivienne was terrified by Sweeney , seeing him as a homicidal madman .
9 Housemartins fans — whipped into an anti-dance frenzy by the ‘ Hang The DJ ’ dribblings of Morrissey — often expressed a desire to fill Norman Cook in , seeing him as a traitor .
10 More than just buying an operating system and securing a future for Novell , Noorda — a man held in high regard by a wide cross section of industry executives — takes on the expectations of all those seeing him as a Moses figure capable of stitching up the highly personalised wounds inflicted during the Unix wars and the aborted peace attempts .
11 Occasionally the public relations executive of an organisation is also that organisation 's spokesman but , except for promotional and marketing campaigns where the PRO is indeed the expert in the area , the provision of an obvious intermediary can lead to the viewer seeing him as a buffer for those who might more usefully have appeared .
12 Gould will fashion everything around Quinn , seeing him as the guy who can top the scoring charts and lift the whole team .
13 For Vincent , it rankled most that his sensitive brother had defected to the other side , seeing him as the cause of discord and anxiety at home , just as ‘ they ’ did .
14 It is not that I am inferring information about him by analogy ; without the incipient mimicry I would not be perceiving him as a man , would be seeing him as an automaton only outwardly resembling myself .
15 She 'd rather he continued seeing her as a thief than that .
16 Mr Hawke has embarked on a crusade to join the airlines in smashing the pilots ' claim , seeing it as a crucial challenge to the cornerstone of his government 's economic policy , the wages accord between government , employers and unions .
17 Male behaviour is so normative that we ordinarily think of celibacy as meaning that men are to leave women alone , rather than seeing it as a positive step women take to make a non sexually-active community together .
18 The thought that prayer is ultimately about delighting in God helps us to stop seeing it as a ‘ technique ’ in which we are advancing .
19 They concur with the group in seeing it as a way of cutting down on bootleg tapes , though it will still reduce the impact of a future live album .
20 The previous owner had parked a large , old-fashioned caravan at the back and the Canadian had made no difficulty about letting this to Neil for two pounds a week , seeing it as a useful way of having someone to keep an eye on the property .
21 As we learn to take it more lightly , seeing it as a mere illusion , money begins to flow through us like a
22 But you decide to take some laxatives , again seeing it as a ‘ meaningless ’ incident .
23 Unfortunately , the Ego has made a monopoly of guilt , seeing it as a splendid excuse for misery and martyrdom .
24 For that , on Locke 's understanding of how visual sensations are related to impressions on the retina , is the same in the two cases of my seeing the figure as a drawing of a duck and my seeing it as a drawing of a rabbit .
25 What makes the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape ? ( 194–219 )
26 This suggests that the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape , is that in the latter case an act of recognition , or of interpretation , takes place .
27 Mr Maconie should realise that the Roman Catholic hierarchy does f— all to help AIDS victims , seeing it as a gift from God to rid the world of some of its scum , when it has the power to change attitudes for the better all over the world .
28 Despite his lone pursuits of happiness , the greater impression is that they worked the Hollywood field together , for Burton 's material rewards , seeing it as a treasure trove best plundered before it disappeared .
29 She was reported as seeing it as a serious matter and thought the fine by the court was not enough : ‘ I 'd have chopped his hand off if I 'd had the chance ’ .
30 This was an entirely legitimate and historically well-founded practice , but Nixon carried it to extreme lengths , seeing it as a way both to cut back on federal expenditure and to impose his own order of spending priorities .
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