Example sentences of "met with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like most innovations potatoes met with a certain resistance from the public both in Britain and on the continent of Europe .
2 Although this hunt met with a certain amount of success , British SAS troops having been reported as active behind Iraqi lines pinpointing targets for US F-15 strike aircraft , its results were not all positive .
3 For the first time Hitler 's policy of threat and bluster met with a loud , clear and firm rebuttal .
4 All of these were fine guitars , but each was met with a disappointing thumbs-down from the Les Paul-totin' guitar heroes of the day .
5 The new housing drive met with a disappointing response in rural areas , however , where local authorities were reluctant to participate in the government 's house-building schemes — ; so reluctant , in fact , that specific legislation aimed at alleviating the plight of rural workers had to be introduced after 1935 .
6 As a result they were met with a 45-minute barrage of gunfire .
7 The move to the Inn on the Lake seems to have met with a favourable response from students ; the pub has been described as a ‘ nice place to work ’ .
8 The meeting was concerned with a new Australian peace plan which proposed a large-scale UN involvement in Cambodia and which had met with a favourable response at the UN Security Council during January and February .
9 In many cases where a request has been made , it has met with a flat refusal .
10 In early December Lancaster attempted to negotiate with the court by sending Ralph Basset and William de Clinton with proposals for a settlement , but they were met with a firm refusal by Edward , who told Lancaster that he should not attempt to bargain with his king .
11 ‘ The other thing is that wherever you go , restaurants or hotels , you tend to be met with a nice smile , because if people have laughed at you , they have warm feelings towards you — there 's no question about it .
12 Had I been a little less successful in catching chub or , worse , met with a complete blank , then Heaven knows if I would have continued specimen hunting .
13 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
14 Paul had it well prepared and really she sa , but sh all his answers met with a logical sequence did n't it ?
15 ‘ Well , sir ? ’ he asked Sharpe , but in a nervous voice which suggested that he expected his temerity in asking to be met with a savage reproof .
16 My protests are met with a simple choice .
17 Ned appeared to be whispering sweet nothings in her ear but his attentions were being met with a stony silence !
18 Normally this was met with a stony stare .
19 A special budgetary summit opened on May 15 when President George Bush and his Budget Director , Richard Darman , met with a 21-member bipartisan congressional negotiating team , led by House of Representatives Speaker Thomas S. Foley ( Dem. , Washington ) and Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell ( Dem. , Maine ) .
20 The opening film , Jennie Livingstone 's ‘ Paris Is Burning ’ ( currently beating box office records in N.Y. ) opened a window to the world of vogueing , an entire cultural phenomenon rifled for its video value by Madonna — and met with a mixed reaction .
21 The proposal has upset residents living near the base , and met with a mixed reaction from the travellers themselves .
22 The Citywatch project — which its organisers say must have private as well as public cash — has met with a mixed response from the city 's business community .
23 The reforms met with a mixed reception from unions , which see a register of individual members as a vehicle for democratic involvement of union members .
24 As Madame Delon had predicted , her enquiry met with a cordial response followed by an unexpected invitation to lunch .
25 Broadcasters were to find that their challenges would be met with a similar response .
26 Better designed and better tested materials than ours have met with a similar fate .
27 The vote at the meeting was not very satisfactory- about 150 to 80 against an anti-leadership amendment — but Baldwin 's riposte to provocation met with a wide response .
28 On July 4 Shawqi Fakhuri and Abdullah al-Amin , both Ministers of State , met with a Palestinian delegation at the Sidon home of the NPO leader , Mustafa Sa 'd .
29 I am afraid it has met with a cool response from our colleagues , and in view of this , I am sorry to say that we will not be taking up your offer to publish .
30 This again met with a cool reception from the other five , first because it might foreclose the question of EEC enlargement , and second because it seemed to seek to push the EEC more in an intergovernmental direction .
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