Example sentences of "steps and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 When he had eaten , Selkirk returned and tossed his possessions at him ; Corbett gathered them up and followed Selkirk up rows of steps and into a small , darkened chamber .
2 We went up a few steps and into a small majlis which was nearly choked by deep couches pushed against its walls .
3 They walked up the wide stone steps and into a small reception area .
4 Down some more steps and into a room .
5 The door to Raynor 's room was down a flight of steps and through a narrow archway .
6 ‘ I 'll take care of it , do n't worry , ’ Christina assured them , before leading them down four deep stone steps and along a pathway , past a bright wall of alamanda and hibiscus bushes camouflaging the car park .
7 As we went down some steps and along a dark passageway , open to the sky , I recalled Maria 's visit to this terrible place , the night they 'd had Raoul here , the night Arsenio had wanted to kill Raoul and Osvaldo had forgiven him .
8 Servants gathered on the steps and for a while all was confusion as stewards , bailiffs , cooks , huntsmen and pages hurried down to greet the Santerres .
9 Her feet tapped loudly on the curving stone steps and for a moment she felt like a bit-player descending to the dungeons — with horror , and a stack of movie cameras , lying ahead .
10 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
11 A PASSER-BY paid £4 to take part in a police video identification parade of a robbery was given the police photographer 's expensive leather jacket to wear and asked to jog down some steps and round a corner .
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