Example sentences of "steps and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They raced to the bottom of the door at an alarming rate and then vanished , as if sucked , under the door , over the storm board , down the steps and across the pavement .
2 Stephen and Christina led the PM and his wife down a flight of white marble steps and across the piazza to the marquee on the lawn .
3 Stumbling a little , she followed him up the steps and across the moonlit terrace into the palazzo .
4 She skipped up the steps and into the house .
5 They beat a retreat up the steps and into the station .
6 I went up the steps and into the hotel .
7 Her mother and father had had to help her down the steps and into the car .
8 They all walked up the steps and into the house .
9 Beth smiled to herself , then went down the steps and into the relative darkness of the dining room .
10 She picked up a candle and ran nimbly up the steps and into the kitchen .
11 Kee saw her and went out of the house , down the wooden steps and into the garden .
12 Afraid Julius might be coming after her , she ran down the steps and into the garden , following the paths that led between wide beds of herbaceous flowers , many of them still blooming happily in the warmth of the long , sunny autumn .
13 Athelstan wrapped the cope around him and , telling Crim to go forward , they left the church , processing down the steps and into the maze of Southwark streets .
14 Reached by flights of steps and through the terraced garden , La Campanella is a fascinating small property in an elevated position above the main road in the centre of Taormina town .
15 He made his way along a footpath flanked by spacious lawns and spectacularly colourful flowerbeds … rumoured to contain plastic flowers to ensure a year-round display … , up a flight of steps and through the double doors of the tri-star-shaped glass and aluminium building .
16 He went down the steps and through the little brick alley .
17 Lucie , who had been calling to him all the while , unheard above the din , caught him in both arms and ran with him , up the steps and through the chapel door which Izzie was holding open .
18 A white terrier bounds through the grass , down the steps and over the daisies .
19 Even today , the toll of addictive disease is still terrible yet many of those who die were aware of the 12 Steps and of the other recommendations of the Anonymous Fellowships .
20 If the load is to move a fixed distance then the high gear ratio requires the motor to move a large number of steps and for the load movement to be completed in a reasonable time the motor needs to attain a high stepping rate .
21 There was no time for him to get up the steps and past the door before it opened and deadly talons reached for him in the darkness .
22 He hurried with his daughters down the steps and towards the taxi .
23 I was just in time to glimpse a pale shape at the far end of the house move up the steps and under the colonnade .
24 Nicandra went down the steps and under the dark carriage portico that put its pillared bulk between evening light , or the light of the moon .
25 Go down the two ladders and enter the second door , walk down the steps and onto the stage , then it 's under the spotlight to perform all those great songs the Blues Brothers are famous for .
26 The entrance is by a flight of steps and from the first floor .
27 It was a plywood box tucked behind the steps and underneath the cockpit floor .
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