Example sentences of "introduced [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Another form of child allowance was introduced during the first World War .
2 All the courses introduced during the first phase of the Advanced Courses Development Programme were devised and submitted by single centres .
3 Compared with the compensation payments introduced during the first stage of price liberalization , these went up from 750 lei to 2,100 lei per month for workers , and from 400 lei to 1,470 lei for pensioners , while there were also increases in child benefits , maternity benefits and student grants .
4 They showed that subjects given verbal pre-training with one set of stimuli learn the appropriate motor response more rapidly to these stimuli than to a further set introduced for the first time in the test phase .
5 That great convenience of Victorian house planning , the luggage entrance , was introduced for the first time at Dupplin as early as 1829 .
6 Most catalogues begin , usually with some proud and flamboyant phraseology , by describing the new varieties being introduced for the first time , and invariably , because they are the kinds that get most of the breeders ' attentions , these will be H.T.s and Floribundas .
7 The two-tier structure introduced for the first time in some urban areas was another source of increased costs ( Alexander 1982a:Ch.3 ) .
8 Such a requirement for express agreement of admissions policy is difficult to reconcile with the more limited requirement that governors should simply ‘ consult ’ the local education authority which was introduced for the first time by section 33 of the Act of 1986 .
9 To help fund the increases in social spending , representing 38.2 per cent of the total budget , value added tax would be raised and would be introduced for the first time on all foodstuffs .
10 Among other privations , energy rationing had been introduced for the first time in the capital , Havana , in mid-April .
11 When introduced for the first time , technical terms can be helpfully identified by having inverted commas round them .
12 The quality of consular services was improved in a number of cases , notably in Britain where a departmental committee of 1903 introduced for the first time recruitment of consuls by limited competition ( instead of as hitherto purely by nomination of the secretary of state for foreign affairs ) and a rationalised salary structure .
13 It 's not something which is introduced for the first time in nineteen forty eight but , but there is erm sort of another round of it erm and sort of the new dimension is that the , everybody 's name is published because until then you , you did n't er you did n't know who the Party members were .
14 But a new rate of ( 20% ) twenty per cent has been introduced for the first ( 2,000 ) two thousand pounds of taxable income .
15 Erm It 's now thr nearly three years since management procedures were introduced as the first stage of our aspirations to become quality assured .
16 A more efficient harness than the crude yoke , which had been so well suited for draught-oxen , was introduced about the ninth century .
17 Having received official blessing from the Donoughmore Committee , tribunals mushroomed , particularly in connection with the social security legislation introduced after the Second World War ( Wraith and Hutchesson , 1973 ) .
18 If tolerated , a normal diet was introduced after the second day .
19 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
20 Following changes in school curricula , and the consequent introduction of the new first-year course described above , it is probable that some lectures will be introduced into the fourth year , and graduate lectures will be increased .
21 Prescription charges were not actually introduced until the next Conservative government in 1951 .
22 The robe , too , is painted in Prussian blue , a pigment not introduced until the eighteenth century .
23 Cod , plaice , sole and turbot have long been the chief catches in the deep-sea fishing grounds of the North Sea , and the trawler , with which Grimsby 's name is synonymous , was introduced in the nineteenth century to drag a wide-mouthed net along the sea floor , to catch these so-called ‘ ground fish ’ .
24 This amounted to the most profound change in the constitutional and financial relationship between central and local government since local government was introduced in the nineteenth century .
25 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
26 His true value would have been far more appreciated if introduced in the first place to more mature minds .
27 The second section shows how the laws introduced in the first section can transform every finite program to a form whose only constructs are IF , ALT , multiple assignment and unc ( the diverging process ) .
28 The summer time was introduced in the first world war , do you remember that
29 Consider for a moment two ways of superimposing fourths on the scale of C major : In order to create chords each having two perfect fourths as in ( a ) , B♭ and E♭ have had to be introduced in the first and fourth chords .
30 Legislation allowing political parties could be introduced in the first quarter of 1991 .
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