Example sentences of "kept [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An agreement had hastily been arrived at , to the effect that Cornelius would be kept on at school for an indefinite period until matters could be expedited .
2 An informant from Aberdeen , where the last women were still working up until the 1950s , told me that these elderly women sometimes had little to do , were regarded rather as passengers and had to put up with rather disparaging remarks , but were kept on until retirement age by the firm , which felt it had obligations towards them .
3 In the world of aviation , aircraft are not kept on by airline or airfreight operators out of sentiment .
4 Whatever one 's political view of them , if the privatization proposals made any sense then prices being kept down by competition should be at their heart .
5 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
6 Mr Baines needed stitches and was kept in for observation after needles from the artificial conifer , wielded by wife Lorraine , became embedded in his scalp .
7 A hospital spokesman said she would be kept in for observation while doctors decided on the best treatment for her .
8 He is being kept in for observation . ’
9 But that will not settle the trickiest question : whether those republics which are determined not to be part of the Soviet Union will be allowed their independence , or whether they will be kept in by force .
10 ‘ I was kept in by force .
11 Being sent to your room by your parents , being kept in after school , being given mindless repetitive tasks to do — are all deliberate withdrawals of stimulation .
12 ‘ I am writing this letter while being kept in after school .
13 ‘ It 's a bit like being kept in after school .
14 However , especially at primary level , salaries remain low , and pay rises have not kept up with inflation .
15 The delays were caused mainly by patients waiting for long term care ( because private provision had n't kept up with demand ) .
16 Between 1970 and 1986 the Ivory Coast , often regarded as one of Africa 's success stories , more than tripled its cereals imports , its external debt rose more than thirty-fold , and food production per capita barely kept up with population growth ( World Bank , 1988 , Tables ) .
17 Unfortunately , I had n't really kept up with technology and Windows , as far as I was concerned , was something behind the curtains .
18 After a few sessions you will know which weights to use , but you should make sure that the routine is kept up to date .
19 Information can be automatically kept up to date , and will allow individuals to co-operate on projects instead of beavering away in isolation .
20 Like any other gardener , the patient should be protected by anti-tetanus inoculations , so you should check with your doctor to make sure these are kept up to date .
21 Direct Debit makes sure that your premiums are automatically kept up to date , and that you do n't have to worry about bills and reminders .
22 It is kept up to date in the same way as the full system and is held by many libraries and other advice agencies .
23 All CAB advice workers must be kept up to date in information and skills .
24 The very nature of the service dictates that every advice worker must be kept up to date both with changing legislation and with skills .
25 In order , therefore , to make absolutely certain that the manufactured parts were always ready and on hand , and further , that there was a sufficiency of raw materials and parts in all stages of completion , some form of stocktaking was necessary , and this was kept up to date day-to-day , and even hour-by-hour .
26 Then I make sure that both are kept up to date .
27 Mr Ferris asks us to point out that one of the requirements of the UK Air Navigation Order is that the current registered owner of an aircraft must keep the Authority informed of any changes to their address or ownership details in order that the UK Register of Civil Aircraft can be kept up to date .
28 In Europe it is of most value as an indication of commitment in Free Churches , especially where the membership roll is kept up to date .
29 All these activities require a substantial bureaucracy to ensure that the licences and certificates are kept up to date and to enforce the regulations .
30 Ways must be found to ensure that all professionals involved in child abuse work are fully informed about the local arrangements for interprofessional co-operation , and are regularly kept up to date with new developments .
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