Example sentences of "holding their [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This place right now is like Chicago in the 1930s , ’ says publisher Vladimir Grigoriev , one of a new breed of Russian businessmen capable of holding their own with the best in the world .
2 These are territorial fish capable of holding their own among other larger specimens of almost any species .
3 Dunvant , whose ground was opened by Swansea nearly 20 years ago , at least had the satisfaction of holding their own after the interval .
4 The Tories have been comforting themselves that they are holding their own in marginal seats while Labour 's national poll ratings are being inflated by piling up extra support in its strongholds .
5 We tend to think of the reptiles as somehow past their ‘ prime ’ , but it would be more accurate to say that they had been displaced from the top jobs in nature , while more than holding their own in the shop floor .
6 In fact it took a revolutionary medical technique for Ian to be able to play again , but only for the Palace Reserves , for the first team were , at that time at least , more than holding their own in Division One .
7 For many CMEA countries , but particularly for Gierek 's Poland , Western largesse became the linchpin of a strategy to refurbish the economy and reorientate production towards competitive industries capable of holding their own in world markets .
8 NORTHERN Ireland 's weekly newspapers seem to be holding their own in the recession but admit to having to work hard to earn every penny .
9 Since the autumn the new head office netball team have enjoyed a handful of fixtures , most recently holding their own against a Brooke Bond team at Crystal Palace .
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