Example sentences of "holding [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 The snow hook is actually on the end of the tow line so that in the unlikely event of the karabiner unhooking — as it did once on me — — the hook stays close to you giving you an outside chance of holding on to the team .
2 He was holding on to the hand of one of the passengers who was bleeding rather badly .
3 Valenzuela , holding on to the killer 's hand , dislodged his friend 's corpse .
4 Lee was behind him , holding on to the back of his anorak and bumping him with the torch .
5 Her toes were on the beam , her arms above her head , holding on to the top of the gates .
6 they are caught , often , in a conflict between holding on to the security of their childhood dependence and striking out for independence .
7 Holding on to the railings , he moved down the passage between the church and the presbytery .
8 We watched her sway away holding on to the rails , her high curls shining , her figure neat , her intense musky scent lingering like a memory in the air after she herself had gone .
9 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
10 The most important thing to remember about juggling is that , if you throw the ball well , the catch will look after itself , except for those one in ten people who have great difficulty in holding on to the ball .
11 It was never , as we have seen , the Labour government 's intention that the independence of India should be the prelude to a general nunc dimittis , and this disposes of the plausible notion that once India was gone the pointlessness of holding on to the rest of the dependent empire , supposedly acquired to protect the sea routes to Bombay , was immediately perceived .
12 Note the tension produced by holding on to the passing note of A♯ in bars 12 and 16 , and the ‘ heavy ’ sound of the minor 3rd ( G natural ) against the E7 chord in bar 18 , anticipating the ♭7th of the A7 to follow .
13 With toes pointed downwards , raise the extended leg 6ins ( 15cm ) off the floor , leaning right over to the opposite side for balance and holding on to the ankle in front of you .
14 With toes pointed , raise the extended leg 6ins ( 1 5cm ) , leaning over to the opposite side for balance and holding on to the ankle in front .
15 Stop holding on to the wall like that ! ’
16 Then I realised this was unusual for an owl , because in the wild they tend to swallow their prey whole , so I simply stopped holding on to the chick and soon she was gobbling it up in one .
17 If it feels like the penis is getting soft during sex , try holding on to the base of the condom .
18 As he does this , holding on to the condom around the base avoids spilling semen or losing the condom inside the vagina or anus .
19 you can give further encouragement by holding on to the leash in the early stages of teaching this command .
20 This done , she whipped up a piece of tape , which she tied some inches from the bottom ; then , while still holding on to the hair with one hand , her other hand shot out and pulled open a drawer from which she grabbed a pair of large scissors .
21 ‘ How d' you know I 've got an 'urt leg ? ’ asked Dolly suspiciously , holding on to the door frame for support .
22 They can walk along this passage holding hands in a human chain , holding on to the Dwarf , and be guided to either of two locations .
23 However , despite holding on to the Senate for a total of six years and securing further landslides in the 1984 and 1988 presidential elections , the Republicans have not been able to bring about a real realignment — a fundamental reordering of political loyalties extending down through all levels of the political system .
24 While she was wondering this , holding on to the rail with a wet slippery hand , feeling the heat rise and thicken , the train belched again and this movement , much more powerful than before , shifted and heaved the people around her to enclose her in a kind of human tide .
25 He stood between Kevin and Damon , holding on to the upright , saying nothing .
26 I carry with me the tattered remnants of this psychic structure : there is no way of not working hard , nothing in the end but an endurance that will allow me to absorb everything by the way of difficulty , holding on to the grave .
27 When she recovered she was holding on to the edge of the table for balance .
28 She cried aloud in joyous elation , her body still on fire , holding on to the magical moment as long as she could .
29 I stood up , holding on to the back of my chair , my heart beating like a hammer .
30 Holding on to the Familiar
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