Example sentences of "holding [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We started holding openings on the weekends .
2 As a result , Regional Railways is now holding discussions with every local authority with a population of more than 250,000 from Aberdeen to Plymouth .
3 SCOTVEC is holding discussions with a number of authorities to identify ways of working together to support general SVQs .
4 If there had been only two men holding Alison in the room , this meant that they 'd left her unguarded and she 'd be able to slip away .
5 Thirty-one out of thirty-six City banks joined in this key venture and it was also from their group that the practice of banks holding accounts at the Bank of England and re-discounting through it developed towards the end of the century .
6 The Commission took the view that the proposed merger , resulting in the purchase of the ‘ number one ’ manufacturer ( De Havilland ) in the commuter market by the ‘ number two ’ manufacturer ( ATR ) , would lead to the new entity , ATR/De Havilland , holding 50% of the world market and 65% of the Community market .
7 The West of Scotland Goldfish Society is a new group six months old , holding meetings on the first Wednesday of each month .
8 The Declaration 's organizational framework committed parties to " co-ordinate and co-operate … by holding meetings at the foreign ministers ' level " .
9 It was expected to co-ordinate a process of consensus-building by holding meetings throughout the country involving maximum public participation .
10 We shall be holding meetings in the new offices , but we shall continue to use Kingsgate House and other DTI buildings in the Victoria Street area .
11 J. G. Frazer in his monumental work on folklore in the Old Testament maintained that the belief that the gods revealed themselves and declared their will to mankind in dreams was widespread in antiquity ; and accordingly people resorted to temples and other sacred spots for the purpose of sleeping there and holding converse with the higher powers in visions of the night , for they naturally supposed that the deities or the deified spirits of the dead would be most likely to manifest themselves in places specially dedicated to their worship .
12 THE Conservatives confounded all predictions in Scotland , gaining two seats and holding Stirling against a fierce Labour challenge .
13 The government had yet to receive permission for this sale from creditor banks holding part of the airline 's assets as guarantees of earlier debts .
14 Manchester University is holding data from the 1991 Census both as microdata and as aggregated tables .
15 By holding stock in a company , they expect to win the business of insuring its employees .
16 She 'd had no idea what the house looked like , until she was going through that wooden gate when , holding Millie by the hand , she espied it in the distance .
17 Defects in the mortar holding bricks in the outside walls of the ten year-old sports centre were discovered in 1990 after consultants were brought in to examine the building .
18 Lee stood there on the other side of the branch , holding Caspar with the lead made with his Dad 's wire .
19 The second will consider the effectiveness of the law as a control technique in holding directors to the ends so specified .
20 The previous chapter examined the effectiveness of the duty to act in the interests of the company in holding directors to the goal of profit maximisation against the background of the separation of ownership and control .
21 Thus , for private individuals there were considerable incentives to holding wealth in the form of dwellings and various forms of insurance which , as well , involved substantial investments in property and land .
22 He was MP for Cirencester and Tewkesbury for 33 years , holding posts in the Foreign Office , Treasury and Department of Trade , Transport and Environment .
23 ‘ Knowledge within government of the project was like a number of people all holding pieces of a jigsaw without realising that they were the pieces of the same jigsaw , ’ the report said .
24 The introduction of a second asset means that we have to take account of the capital market equilibrium condition : the return from holding stocks of the natural resource must equal the return to physical capital .
25 For about fifteen minutes he did nothing but sit there contentedly , sipping his coffee and watching their restless , flickering scene around him through half-open eyes : the tall , bearded man with a cigar and a fatuous grin who walked up and down at an unvarying even pace like a clockwork soldier , never looking at anybody ; the plump ageing layabout in a Gestapo officers leather coat and dark glasses holding court outside the door of the cafe , trading secrets and scandal with his men friends , assessing the passers-by as thought they were for sale , calling after women and making hour-glass gestures with his hairy gold-ringed hands ; a frail old man bent like an S , with a crazy harmless expression and a transistor radio pressed to his ear walking with the exaggerated urgency of those who have nowhere to go ; slim Africans with leatherwork belts and bangles laid out on a piece of cloth ; a Gypsy child sitting n the cold stone playing the same four note again and again on a cheap concertina ; two foreigners with guitars an a small crowd around them ; a beggar with his shirt pulled down over one shoulder to reveal the stump of an amputated arm ; a pudgy shapeless women with an open suitcase full of cigarette lighters and bootleg cassettes ; the two Nordic girls at the next table , basking half-naked in the weak March sun as though this might be the last time it appeared this year .
26 The waiters were all busy at that moment so I picked up a full glass from the table and fought my way to where she was holding court in the middle of the mass — standing up , of course .
27 Holding court in the ritzy bar of Leeds Polytechnic , Cud guitar swinger Mike Dunphy is in a myth-exploding mood .
28 Holding court in the ritzy bar of Leeds Polytechnic , Cud guitar swinger Mike Dunphy is in a myth-exploding mood .
29 Ken Bradshaw was holding court among a handful of Waimea veterans .
30 She could see Spencer quite clearly , he appeared to be holding court among the elderly distant relatives who had travelled from all parts of the country to be at the funeral .
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