Example sentences of "solution to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The ancient astronaut theory does seem to represent to many people a solution to the uncertainties that now plague our world .
2 Sharp , clean minimal arts in such a rough space will make an interesting contrast and it launches an exhibition programme by the imaginative Jopling , who will be looking for unusual spaces for showing art as a solution to the uncertainties , expenses and predictability of opening his own gallery .
3 The timetable will , I hope , mean a rapid solution to the CAP problem very soon after the achievement of a GATT solution .
4 While I am proud to acknowledge my sponsorship by the Union of Shop , Distributive and Allied Workers and my commitment of faith as a Methodist , I address the House today as merely one voice in a large and growing all-party coalition ranging from all the Churches to trade unions and consumer groups , all seeking a genuine consensus solution to the Sunday trading shambles .
5 While the economy was booming , the Training and Enterprise Councils sounded like a neat solution to the skills shortage .
6 The underlying connection reflects an adherence to a moral solution to the configuration of demands which he and the staff must confront .
7 Investors were expressing relief about a partial solution to the contracts issue , which has become entangled in the row between China and Britain over Hong Kong 's political future .
8 The Shaw solution to the inequality of the coal ration was simple : just change the signs on the compounds , A perfect balance system was introduced and there was no complaint from the officers ' batmen — well they would not would they " ?
9 WHICHEVER party is in government tomorrow , there will be no fast solution to the recession .
10 For the Tories the long-term solution to the recession lies in the expansion of the leisure goods industries , the development of communication technologies .
11 Waterproof , economical and easy to clean and dry , cushioned vinyl floorcovering is an ideal solution to the flooring problem of the water-splashed bathroom .
12 In effect , all problems then become ‘ routine affairs ’ of a technical kind — controlling inflation , increasing productivity , implementing an effective incomes policy , or finding a solution to the instability of exchange rates — on the basis of a presumed political consensus which obscures the real existence of dominant and subordinate groups in society and the conflict between them .
13 Add 15 ml of the 30% NaOH solution to the Alizarin red solution and bring to the boil .
14 A recent Home Office survey concludes that there is no simple solution to the prevention of rape , other than ‘ the willingness both to question and to change the pattern of social life ’ .
15 Laura , although embarrassed by the prosecution and the £90-fine , was never involved in seeking a solution to the effluent disposal problem .
16 Expressing cautious optimism about a solution to the debt crisis , the Fund noted that the debt-service ratio of developing countries had fallen to its lowest level since 1981 .
17 Without some sense of personal identity , the wilful manoeuvres of the anorexic would not be possible : either suicide or madness might prove a better ‘ choice ’ of solution to the individual 's problems .
18 While society continues to idealize the two-parent family and regard it as the norm , there is a danger that remarriage will be seen as the solution to the individual and social problems associated with widowhood , marital separation and single parenthood .
19 To ‘ mother ’ a husband , ‘ parent ’ a parent , or offer ‘ professional ’ nursing care to a spouse may each at times seem abnormal , even though offering the best solution to the circumstances .
20 If only the solution to the Church 's other problems were as straightforward .
21 Paddy Ashdown 's solution to the poll tax is a local tax a la Scandinavia .
22 The attack showed that security force members were at risk all the time and they could now best be repaid by finding a political solution to the Ulster conflict .
23 the solution to the underclass lies in stricter enforcement of the criminal laws , in giving tenants a stake and a say in public housing , in educational innovation opposed by teachers ' unions , in changing welfare laws so that a baby is not a ticket for an apartment separate from mom 's .
24 As in After Strange Gods , he is concerned in his conclusion with a return to sources , that is with going back to the savage and working forwards towards his solution to the problem– of modern industrial life ; again such a movement is presented in terms of a familiar encounter .
25 The low-brow idiot dancer 's solution to the conundrums of the universe , they paved the way for today 's convoy and festival people and established a lifestyle model for the scoring , squatting , anarcho-hippie classes .
26 Apart from ERA 's determination to find and fund a long term solution to the dampness problem and to prove that their living conditions were more suited to the health of the fungus families than human families , they were equally determined to get Public Health on the political agenda and to dispel the myth that smoking , diet and lack of exercise were solely responsible for Glasgow 's award winning heart disease record .
27 He admits WABI is alluring to the vendor but then damningly turns and claims it 's a solution to the vendors ' problem not the customers ' .
28 For the thriller , the solution to the narrative 's enigma is the unveiling of the criminal ; for the romance , it is what Germaine Greer described as the ‘ Almighty kiss ’ .
29 To say more precisely whether these cuts produced something like the optimal solution to the level of investment ( though with the inconvenience of power cuts at the peak ) , is problematic in an economy which ( even in the 1950s ) was subject to considerable disequilibrium in prices and inherited production patterns .
30 A long-term solution to the management of huge collections of material is to enter details of all objects and their whereabouts into a computer database and to keep the information up to date thereafter .
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