Example sentences of "kept a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We know that Brahms kept a keen eye open for new music , and that he knew Rheinberger — what I wonder is whether it was the Rheinberger Sonata that suggested to Brahms the form for the last movement of his Symphony ?
2 He also kept a keen eye on MI9 , the secret escape service .
3 Our local PFA Inspector Pat Barker kept a keen eye on our progress , monitoring our workmanship at all the recognised stages throughout the build , and on 8 March this year , Midge 's propeller turned for the first time under her own engine power , being a Monday , I naturally had the day as holiday !
4 The march tunes heaped up with proper brashness and a wild final acceleration , but the collage until then kept a rare sense of harmonic direction .
5 We kept a sharp lookout for animals and saw several waterbuck — timid , deer-like creatures — and colobus monkeys , with shaggy black and white coats , but there was no sign of anything large , grey and dangerous .
6 The Queen kept a sharp eye on the proceedings , and found it a favourable wet-day pastime to visit the Dolls ' House .
7 He kept a sharp eye on her , though the path was well lit and there was little fear of stumbling .
8 I was wise beyond my nineteen years and kept a sharp weather eye on all the human kites and ravens attracted by Benjamin 's generosity .
9 A cricket landmark vanishes with the final over for Gover Matthew Engel pays tribute to the academy which kept a straight bat for 61 years
10 Klepner kept a straight face , but was overjoyed at the top man 's response .
11 She kept a straight face , but she wanted to jump with joy .
12 He put his head on one side , but kept a straight face .
13 I kept a straight face somehow .
14 How he kept a straight face Kath would never know .
15 Glad I kept a straight face afterward .
16 New Scientist kept a lofty attitude about it all by celebrating three anniversaries in the history of space flight , or , alternatively , dropped its gaze discreetly on to the Mary Rose , about to surface from the Solent .
17 He kept a tantalizing silence until she prodded him to say what he was looking for .
18 He kept a four-seat US-made Mooney aircraft at Newtownards airstrip , as well as the two-seat Pulsar .
19 The simplest type of transmission line comprises just a pair of parallel wires kept a uniform distance apart by suitably inserted insulating spacers .
20 Roberts looked nervous but kept a fixed smile .
21 The surroundings were full of interest : in the foreground we had Martha 's pig-store , where she kept a varied assortment of china and earthenware ; it also was roofed by the remains of an old pleasure boat ; Martha 's cabbage garden and potato plot , and Martha 's henhouse , where the roosters were alike honoured by having a boat-house of their own .
22 While Curate of Annahilt ( near Hillsborough ) he kept a private pack of hounds .
23 In effect , I kept a suitable silence and avoided direct confrontation , for I was well aware that the ultimate punishment under the regulations is expulsion or dismissal from the force , forfeiture of a considerable salary and pension , and , of course , the resulting immediate acquisition of true outsiderhood !
24 They met every day , usually in Zeinab 's appartement and Zeinab kept a proprietorial eye on what Owen was doing when he was away from her .
25 Interviews were arranged , players were briefed and , even in the emotional and crowded dressing room after the test , Campbell kept a cool head and handled things perfectly .
26 He still kept a respectful distance from Rab , who felt some indignation , like a leper .
27 Wealth did not make him lavish , however ; he had always been careful about money — indeed , he was economical in all areas of life , even in small matters such as ensuring that all the tea in a tea-pot had actually been drunk — and Joseph Chiari has remembered how he kept a regular account of his expenses in a pocket notebook .
28 The ladies in the billiard room kept a small fire of smashed furniture smouldering by the window and occasionally burned camphor in an attempt to palliate this tormenting odour .
29 Alex was an older colleague , a chest specialist , who kept a small pied-à-terre at the top of the house in Harley Street where Brian had his consulting rooms .
30 My grandfather , who kept a small number of sheep in the West Riding , used to talk about strains breeding themselves out .
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