Example sentences of "show [pron] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Then get two children and show them the way to cut the rings down the middle .
2 They will usually think it impossible and you then show them the way to do it .
3 Whereby erm we do n't end up actually doing the things for them , but we show them the way that they can do them for themselves .
4 Oh , God , she prayed silently , show me a way to let him know how wrong he is .
5 Show me the way to go home ’ bawled the four-year-old as she flew back to Britain five months after Pittsburgh surgeons saved her life with a 16-hour liver and bowel swop .
6 Then the cheeky four-year-old showed off by singing her favourite song — the drinker 's ditty Show Me The Way To Go Home .
8 McKechnie lists specifically food , drink , sex , attractive clothing ; labour-saving machines and mechanical transport ; holidays and leisure activities ; so called ‘ high ’ culture — music , art , literature , etc. — and so called ‘ pop ’ culture — in which he includes the singing of old Tin Pan Alley songs , such as ‘ Show Me the Way to Go Home ’ , in public houses run by the big breweries .
9 ‘ Now show me the way . ’
10 The brave four-year-old beamed as she sang ‘ Show Me The Way To Go Home ’ .
11 Show 'er the way , mate .
12 ‘ Do you want me to come with you and show you the way out ? ’ offered Endill .
13 Show him the way , Jess , then come straight back , ’ Salt instructed in a voice like hot coals .
14 I show him , I show him the way I do it , and go through it with him .
15 I 'll be in the front ter show 'im the way an' it should take us about twenty minutes ter Wappin' .
16 You must take our hands and show us the way , like Mum did .
17 ‘ Right , show us the way , will you ? ’
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