Example sentences of "become [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those veterinary graduates who intend to practise in the UK or the EC become registered by right of their BVM&S degree , in the United Kingdom Register of Veterinary Surgeons and become Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons .
2 Where this is not possible rift development is halted , rifts become filled with sediment and any associated uplift subsides .
3 While ditches become filled with silt over time , mounds are gradually flattened by weathering , and if a mound is adjacent to a ditch , this will affect the pattern of silting in the ditch .
4 Er and in fact er I would say that had you become recognized as part of management , our members would n't have tolerated you as a shop steward .
5 Your business plans could be severely jeopardised if you become embroiled in litigation started by the company that you used to work for .
6 I thought he might have met someone down there and become embroiled in conversation .
7 After — oooh — a mere nine or ten years , when quite suddenly you become consumed with lust and frighten your by now placid partner into a state of wary suspicion .
8 If elderly individuals see life through helpless , defeated eyes , where they become resigned to pain and disappointment , loneliness and despair , their reaction to new situations will not be positive .
9 Internal walls and floors collapse and the decaying remains of their timbers become mixed with dust , leaves and other debris blown into the building to form a soil in which plants and even trees will grow .
10 From what I have suggested so far we should not be surprised that a recent authoritative and comprehensive review of child abuse research commented that : As we have seen , research itself , like policy and practice , has increasingly become surrounded by controversy over questions of definition and the most appropriate form that approaches and interventions should take .
11 Small groups of these cells become surrounded by collagen fibre bundles in what are known as micronodules .
12 Countless stories exist of swimmers whose feet become trapped inside giant clams that snap shut suddenly and then refuse to release their victims .
13 With increased drainage and ploughing , drain-pipes become clogged with clay and silt , and surface ponding creates ever more difficult conditions for farming , and even the death of cereal crops .
14 • Gulping at the surface as the gills become clogged by mucus
15 PERHAPS we are the only definable group , except for the landladies , who look forward to conference at all , conference and elections being the only points in the calendar when our lives become primed with meaning .
16 Our own capacities diminish as they become dominated by TV images .
17 The separation of strategies into generic versions is a useful conceptual device , even if such strategies become intertwined in practice .
18 When the imago emerges , the wings appear as small wrinkled sacs which gradually become distended by blood-pressure , and attain their full development usually several hours afterwards .
19 The idea of a postmodern culture refers , however , to a way of life in which signs and forms of communication have largely become separated from content and from the specific contexts in which they are being projected and received .
20 As soon as A's and B's deliveries have both been made , C's 15 cwt. become ascertained by exhaustion , since it is then possible to say that all the potatoes left on the lorry are destined for C. Now suppose that before the lorry is despatched , C sells his 15 cwt. to B and arranges with S that the lorry shall drop 40 cwt. to B in Bristol .
21 In that case B's 40 cwt. become ascertained by exhaustion as soon as A's 60 cwt. have been unloaded .
22 Moscovici stresses the social creation of mental states and he has investigated how intellectual ideas become incorporated into common-sense thinking .
23 Enter the teacher : he supplies the means through which black kids can elevate themselves , become fêted at school and , most importantly , achieve .
24 She had never become acclimatised to city life .
25 The endothelial cells lining blood vessels become damaged during treatment and the affected vessels leak fluid into the tissues .
26 Should , for any reason , a sheet become damaged in service it is simple to replace a Rockwell sheet by unscrewing the damaged sheet and replacing it with a new one .
27 That is not easy for them to do , for so extremely have their bodies become adapted to life in the air that their legs are greatly reduced in size .
28 The entire parasitic life cycle usually takes three weeks , but under certain circumstances many of the ingested L3 become arrested in development at the early fourth larval stage ( EL4 ) for periods of up to six months .
29 If ingested prior to October , the majority of these larvae mature in three weeks ; thereafter , many become arrested in development for several months and may precipitate Type II disease when they mature .
30 She made some coffee , and went out on the balcony in her cotton housecoat , where she could see the sun rising from behind the dark hills , and the slopes slowly become bathed with light .
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