Example sentences of "to tell [pers pn] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was so badly injured that she was able only to tell them her name .
2 ‘ I was n't , ’ Maggie replied , and went on to tell them her tale .
3 At 5am the next day , doctors had awoken Mr Taylor and his wife Joanne to tell them their son had had a heart attack and suffered severe brain damage .
4 You do n't have to tell them your business , but what you do have to say is , I 've got an alarm system , an audible system , so bells only , if you hear it going off can you ring the home station ?
5 We sat down by the fire and he began to tell me his story .
6 I knew that I had n't been kidding myself when he turned up one evening looking exhausted , miserable and defeated , to tell me his wife had threatened to start divorce proceedings .
7 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
8 I never gave him a chance to explain — to tell me his side of things .
9 ‘ Would you be kind enough to tell me your name ? ’ he asked , wriggling while still attempting some semblance of charm and authority .
10 ‘ Are you going to tell me your story , or do I demand it of the world at large !
11 Are you trying to tell me your boat 's disappeared , too ?
12 " Would you like to tell me your version ? "
13 Do you want to tell me your birthday ?
14 Do you mean to tell me your mother and father never discussed that last accident with you ? ’
15 ‘ No , Shelley , and I 'm glad to tell you their removal was nothing at all to do with you .
16 The doctor said , ‘ I am here attending a patient , and I have to tell you her story .
17 ‘ I am under no obligation to tell you my name , Mr Blake . ’
18 That 's why I 'm going to tell you my view of his phone call .
19 I do n't want to tell you your job , Brownlow , but if anyone can persuade my wife to come home , and be a good man in case of trouble , it 's him .
20 Ruth began to tell him her dream of Fand , the Drowned Forest , and the Isle of Fincara under the sea .
21 It did n't take long to tell him my story .
22 I resolved to tell him my mantra .
23 I had to tell him my age , of course , although doctors can usually tell .
24 The ears are senseless that should give us hearing to tell him his commandment is fulfilled , that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead .
25 His measurements ought to have been enough to tell him his surface was curved — even if he could n't see it .
26 ‘ Are you that bloody idiot who does golf for the News ? ’ was his opening salvo ; and things got worse when Toby , never able to turn the verbal cheek , even to a large and extremely aggressive drunk , proceeded to tell him his opinion of Scottish golfers in general and of unwelcome Scottish drunks in particular .
27 And nowadays coaches had lavatories and armchairs and dear little hostesses whom Laura liked to induce to tell her their life stories .
28 As she looked at Millie rocking herself slightly like a little old woman getting a child to sleep , she though , If I were to tell her her mother has died , she would likely think it was the same way as her father had , whichever way that was , which was n't real dead .
29 Then I offered to tell her my secret if she did n't tell anyone else .
30 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
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