Example sentences of "plants [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The spores of these plants develop into a thin filmy plant called the thallus which looks not unlike a liverwort and releases its sex cells from its underside where there is permanent moisture .
2 From the sowing date onwards the plants remain in a controlled environment , with temperature 20°C , humidity constant and warm-white lighting at an intensity of about 40 Wm -2 for eight hours a day , darkness sixteen hours a day .
3 The rain , and the warmth , and the general tolerance of the character of plants make for an almost threatening exuberance .
4 The energy input to the world comes from the sun — plants grow on the sun 's energy by photosynthesis — herbivores feed directly on the plants , carnivores feed on the herbivores .
5 The plants grow to a height of up to 24ins ( 60cms ) .
6 Some plants grow from a spongy rootstock , as in the case of Vallisneria , Sagittaria or Ottelia species .
7 Grey and silver foliage plants grow in every shape and size , from the thistle family that can tower above everything else , to the very small alpine plants with silver leaves that can be extremely useful for miniature work .
8 In the best years four extra plants appear on the book for every 10 grown .
9 Rocks and plants project into the pictures from the top as well as from the bottom , rather like stalactites and stalagmites in a cave .
10 Obviously leaves fall and plants bend in the replica material , and live foliage may need replacing .
11 Most plants consist of a main rootstock from which several ‘ eyes ’ have grown to form sizeable ‘ branches ’ , and it is these side growths that should be retained , cutting them from the parent with as much healthy young rootstock as possible .
12 Dischidia nummularia has lens-shaped leaves with no ant-association , while D. parvifolia in the Malay Peninsula with similar leaves is associated with Crematogaster ants , which , in the mountains , make tunnels at the bases of Leptospermum flavescens trees and take Dischidia seeds inside such that plants germinate in the insect frass there , such that their distribution is thereby associated with that of the tree .
13 East Asia offers probably the largest choice of fish and plants open to the fishkeeper .
14 LEFT : Native and exotic plants flourish in the mild maritime climate at Plas-yn-Rhiw on the Llŷn Peninsula ( National Trust Photographic Library/Martin Trelawney )
15 To the west is the tall beech enclosure in front of the house where roses and other herbaceous plants flower under the trees in June and July .
16 All desirable free-floating aquatic plants disappear for the winter months , forming turions , or winter buds , which fall to the bottom of the pool until the warm spring sunshine stirs them into growth once again .
17 Ground-hugging plants bask in the Beth Chatto Gardens
18 Make sure hedging plants blend with the rest of the garden .
19 This we see quite clearly in the example of ‘ green fingers ’ , where plants respond to the intent and good feeling in the mind of the human caring for them .
20 The Toxics Release Inventory is based on the data which companies are required to file with the Environmental Protection Agency on the types and amounts of chemicals their plants discharge into the air , soil and water .
21 Sometimes , the leaves of variegated plants clash with the colours of their own flowers .
22 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
23 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
24 These plants float on the surface with their roots hanging below the water .
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