Example sentences of "agreed to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had agreed to the live radio interview readily enough , probably expecting it to run the course of a dozen or so others he 'd done over the past couple of years .
2 And Department of the Environment officials have agreed to the extra statutory payment , under the Local Government Superannuation Regulations .
3 This was seen as an important gesture of approval since the Somali National Alliance ( SNA — led by Gen. Farah Aydid ) , of which a USC faction was one of four member groups , had earlier opposed UN plans to deploy a total of 3,500 troops in the country , although the USC had agreed to the 500 Pakistanis [ see p. 39034 ] .
4 Holding that the dismissals were fair , the tribunal said that , whilst it accepted that the union did not specifically accept what was proposed by the company , it concluded that , by its continuing and sustained silence over a period of a month , the union had agreed to the compulsory redundancies being handled in the way the company had proposed .
5 AFTER two months of agonising diplomatic wrangling , Egypt , with the apparent tacit agreement of the PLO , has agreed to the five-point formula of the US Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , for talks between Israel and the Palestinians .
6 AFTER two months of agonising diplomatic wrangling , Egypt , with the apparent tacit agreement of the PLO , has agreed to the five-point formula of the US Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , for talks between Israel and the Palestinians .
7 If these two states had agreed to the Grand Design , it may well have succeeded .
8 The band realised such novelties would help Red Rhino sell more records , so agreed to the slight compromise .
9 Although the ANC at its national conference earlier in the month had agreed to the phased lifting of sanctions [ see p. 38324 ] , the organization considered that the step was premature since two of the conditions stipulated in the CAAA had not been fully met — first , the political violence in the country was not conducive to a " climate for free political activity " , and second , the ANC disputed the US view that all political prisoners had been released .
10 Only three non-French companies have agreed to the new deal — Dow Chemical , Upjohn and Riker .
11 He said that Serbs in the Croatian enclave of Krajina who had earlier boycotted such negotiations had now agreed to the new talks .
12 This is to be used where there is a need to ensure all shareholders are agreed to the common nature of a sale and that they are prepared to meet our fees , ie acknowledges the CA 1985 s151 problem with the company paying other professional advisers ' fees .
13 Mr McLevy said that the company had moved its position over the lay-offs and had agreed to the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service 's being called in if negotiations could not be satisfactorily concluded .
14 By agreement between the foster mother and the local authority the hearing of the substantive application for judicial review commenced on 11 December 1991 was to be treated as the hearing of the applications under section 10(9) of the Act of 1989 , and the foster mother agreed to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review if leave were granted .
15 The RUC initially agreed to the proposed route and to the meeting in Market Square .
16 The girl 's parents and guardian ad litem agreed to the proposed order , which included a term that the girl should have no contact with her father , and which envisaged the possibility of placing the girl with her older half-sister as her full-time carer .
17 If the sectoral approach and spillover were to achieve any great potential , they could only do so on a more limited front — that is , by the six states which had already agreed to the supranational principle by forming the ECSC .
18 At a joint conference in Ottawa , Canada , on Feb. 12-13 the 16 NATO and seven Warsaw Pact Foreign Ministers agreed to the basic elements of a plan under which unarmed military or civilian reconnaissance aircraft from each bloc would be allowed to fly legally over the territory of the other [ for January 1990 Open Skies test flight see p. 37201 ] .
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