Example sentences of "drawn [adv prt] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The conventional notion of literary ‘ tradition ’ does , it is true , compensate for the lack of an historical overview , but because it implies a common pool of resources repeatedly drawn on by a succession of different writers , it is profoundly antithetical to Formalism and its key principle of defamiliarization .
2 The list is not exhaustive , but what this present section sets out to do is give a very substantial selection illustrating the range of material which can be drawn on by the researcher .
3 Given the robust level of reserves that the board has enjoyed , and given that about £6.5 million of the reserves is being drawn down by the board to ensure a continuous and constant level of training , I should have thought that the board was exhibiting a responsible approach .
4 Although the retailer may make no profit on that particular item , general sales will be increased as customers drawn in by the loss leader will then buy other goods .
5 Many children are quite happy to run , push , pull , ride and climb , but when an adult is standing by , ready to help , she is sure to be drawn in by the children as in the following example .
6 The finale includes a cunningly constructed canon during which Ferrando , still heartbroken , at first refuses to take part , until he is gradually drawn in by the others .
7 It would seem that any other harmful fumes around would be drawn in by the same means , aerosols being a prime example .
8 This Progressive influence lingered on as a minor theme in the cinema of the 1920s and was an obvious outlet for the continental directors who were drawn in by the glamour and potential of Hollywood .
9 Superimposed on this map of things as they were , one sometimes finds the lines drawn in by the commissioners showing where they propose to create the new fields and hedges , and the new roads , public and private .
10 But many sidle in , hiding behind a shopping list of the equipment they think they need ( often drawn up by a friend ) or picked at random from a magazine ) .
11 Partnership agreements should always be drawn up by a solicitor , so that the rights and responsibilities of each partner are clear .
12 The documentation for this type of arrangement should be drawn up by a solicitor experienced in such matters .
13 Perhaps most remarkable of all was that this system of government was based on a written Constitution , drawn up by a group of politicians at the end of the 18th century and only altered on rare occasions since ( there had been 19 Amendments to the Constitution by 1920 ) .
14 It is interesting to compare the aspects of language which are highlighted by Bullock and Stubbs with those which are highlighted in a document drawn up by a group of educationalists whose expertise is not primarily in the field of language study .
15 Although this commentary appears on RSPB headed paper , has been drawn up by a community of interests , including CPRW .
16 It also recommended that children whose needs could not be met within the resources of the ordinary school should have a record ( which came to be called a ‘ statement ’ ) of their special educational needs drawn up by a multi-professional team .
17 In the case of Foresterhill , all the main clinical departments have given their support to the proposal — a proposal that has been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team .
18 Meanwhile on May 29 the National Assembly approved an economic recovery plan drawn up by a newly appointed economic adviser , Alassane Ouattara , president of the West African Central Bank , in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank .
19 Having approved the new constitution , which had been drawn up by a nine-member Constitutional Recommendation Committee , the King turned the document over to the Council of Ministers , which had been invested with legislative powers in mid-May [ see p. 37453 ] .
20 President Lansana Conte ( who on April 4 , 1990 , was given the rank of major-general by the CMRN ) said in his 1990 New Year address that the draft constitution being drawn up by a 50-member committee chaired by Foreign Minister Maj. Jean Traore would be submitted to the nation for discussion and amendment during 1990 ; a referendum on it would be held by the end of the year [ see also p. 37060 ] .
21 Five days of negotiations at Estoril , Portugal , ended on Nov. 20 with the Angolan government and United States-backed UNITA guerrillas having agreed on 80 per cent of a ceasefire document drawn up by a Portuguese mediating team , according to the Portuguese Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation , José Manuel Durao Barroso .
22 A report on human rights abuses drawn up by a " national commission for truth and reconciliation " , appointed by President Patricio Aylwin Azócar in April 1990 , was due to be published in the near future .
23 Drawn up by a panel of civilian and military experts , the charter was to remain in force for a 30-month interim period , at the end of which a referendum would be held on a new constitution for Chad .
24 The amendments , drawn up by a Commission for Constitutional Amendment ( CCA ) headed by Vo Chi Cong , President of the Council of State , would be placed before the Assembly at its next session in December .
25 Drawn up by a UN team and representatives of the Kenyan government , the report found that tens of people were dying each week in camps set up for the refugees in the remote border region of Kenya and described it as " appalling and embarrassing " that they were supposed to be under the care of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees .
26 The six-volume report was drawn up by a Royal Commission established in 1990 by the state 's Premier , Carmen Lawrence , in response to increasing public anger over improper dealings between the ALP state government and local entrepreneurs .
27 On a G7 scorecard drawn up by a coalition of environmental groups , Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming .
28 A " D " notice has no legal force : it is merely " advice " to the media , drawn up by a joint committee of representatives of the press and the armed forces .
29 A new code of conduct for street entertainers has been drawn up by a local authority .
30 The report , drawn up by a special council management team , says drastic measures are needed to stop the decline .
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