Example sentences of "drawn [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their place is taken by geodesics which are the straightest lines that can be drawn between a pair of points in a curved space and as such have no component of curvature in that space .
2 In the case of wrongful acts , which involve civil liability apart from breach of contract or trust , a distinction is drawn between a servant and an independent contractor .
3 In simple terms the fleet has to start through an imaginary line usually drawn between a mast and buoy .
4 Because flat-rate unemployment benefit can only be drawn for a maximum of a year , a large number of today 's unemployed find themselves having to draw means-tested assistance .
5 On her way back to the pub , Ruth called at the house , which had all the curtains drawn as a sign of mourning .
6 The right hand half of each curve can be drawn as a mirror image .
7 On most sites , the relationship between contexts is drawn as a matrix diagram , which is rather like a family tree .
8 The blue-rinsed grandmother from Iowa — ‘ just passing through Lunnun to catch a few shows ’ ( like anglers collect trout ) — I had drawn as a dancing partner clapped louder than anybody .
9 There may be the most intense pruritus all over the external genitalia and blood may be drawn as a result of the vigorous scratching this induces .
10 Sizes are imprecise , as one might suppose any material would be if drawn through a hole with a cutting edge !
11 Water is drawn through a sponge — which is easily cleaned by washing in tank water at each water change ( not cold , chlorinated , tap ) .
12 First a pair of geodesics a and b are drawn through a point in the space .
13 It is drawn through a pore into a channel surrounding the mouth and circulated throughout the body and into the myriads of tube feet .
14 As you move around the amp , your eye is drawn towards a mini-fan situated in the input side of the unit .
15 He may be naturally drawn towards a discovery of a state which does not depend on time and space for its reality , but the medium of the imperfect world into which he is born means that : Such knowing and feeling , the mystics say , is given in response to a process — an ordering of the drives in human nature so that they can be expressed as love .
16 Certain men — husbands not excepted — seemed drawn like a magnet to a female in her circumstances .
17 A driving curtain of rain blotted out everything other than the sodden turf nearest the house , the view so depressing that she turned away with a shiver , drawn like a magnet to the books on the shelves .
18 Corbett spent the rest of the evening analysing what he knew and had learnt but soon realised that he had been drawn into a maze of marshy morass and the more he probed , the more puzzled he became .
19 AT CONSERVATIVE Central Office , the Prime Minister expressed his confidence in winning a clear overall majority , though only after being drawn into a discussion on how a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition leading to proportional representation and devolution for Scotland would irrevocably change the face of Britain .
20 Rigby 's young assistant regarded her with more interest , but was soon drawn into a discussion about production schedules .
21 Although the Commission was concerned with , broadly speaking , the effects of concentration of ownership on the diversity of content , it was inevitably drawn into a discussion of the links between owners and the views propagated in their particular newspapers .
22 Refusing to be drawn into a discussion , she retorted bluntly , ‘ Just say what you have to say and go . ’
23 Some are drawn into a life of crime : petty thieving , drugs trafficking etc .
24 The French , probably over-confident of victory , allowed themselves to be drawn into a cavalry advance , carried out under a hail of arrows , across recently ploughed ground made softer yet by the rain which had fallen the previous night .
25 He says children as young as 14 who take drugs can get drawn into a drug culture because they 're so vunerable .
26 Although there was still two minutes to go , the Liverpool-born fighter was too experienced to be drawn into a mistake .
27 More recently , in the spring of 1982 , it found itself drawn into a disagreement between Birmingham Polytechnic and its city council which proved unwilling to finance the short-fall between the 1982–3 advanced further education pool allocation to the polytechnic and its own estimated budget .
28 Through the Lousadas Minton was to an extent drawn into a Hammersmith circle of artists which included Victor Pasmore , Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden who once danced with Minton at a New Year 's Eve party until she literally dropped , whereupon he gently laid her down on the floor .
29 If the bomb also twists or spins at all , the skin gets drawn into a tail , forming a spindle bomb .
30 Many aspects of science could be drawn into a variety of project/topic work arrangements , and some of the maths and science items could also be delivered in tandem .
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