Example sentences of "drawn up [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The report was drawn up as part of the evidence in the recently completed court case against Exxon [ see ED no. 45 ] .
2 People working for the EC — which outlaws discrimination — faced an upper age-limit of 35 for starting work in many posts in Community institutions , said the report , drawn up as part of the European Year of Older People .
3 Some of the demonstrators were denied access to the Diamond by police tenders drawn up across Shipquay Street but after a time the RUC withdrew altogether and the Diamond was filed by the vast crowd .
4 The deal that was eventually drawn up between Boeing and Virgin was of a complexity unprecedented even in R.Q. Wilson 's considerable experience .
5 The target setting exercise has already had modest success in convincing ministers to incorporate some of the goals and targets in the five yearly hospital funding agreement drawn up between state and federal governments .
6 The agreement drawn up between Branson and Fields in April 1984 gave Fields , as chairman , responsibility for the day-to-day running of the airline , while Branson , as president , considered the broader picture .
7 Bold plans consistent with God 's plans are required and they should be drawn up without delay .
8 Conversely , Green MEPs are concerned that the Commission 's paper has been drawn up without reference to the effects that patenting will have on farmers , breeders , consumers and the developing world .
9 In itself , the reform suffered from a number of insuperable flaws : designed from above , it had a tiny support base in the heavily decimated Christian Democrat Party and was drawn up without consultation or reference to El Salvador 's land tenure patterns .
10 Japan 's Constitution , drawn up under United States auspices after the Second World War , had limited the country 's military activities to self-defence , in recognition of the Japanese aggression in the region during the 1930s and 1940s , and the possibility of changing this had caused considerable consternation among various South and East Asian countries .
11 She pushed aside the clothing and revealed him , all small and disconsolate and shrivelled looking , knees drawn up under chin in a foetal position .
12 In 1975 , Mr Heath , as Leader , accepted amended rules which had been drawn up under Lord Home 's chairmanship and announced that the first ballot would be held on 4 February 1975 ( the Party , of course , then being in opposition ) .
13 Indeed , the process was implicit in the ambitious plans to industrialize the country already drawn up under Dej .
14 Proposals for acquisition of land from Abbey Church have been drawn up including investigation of the costs of altering the pavement and boundary wall .
15 ‘ I might tell you I persuaded her to cut down the list Buckmaster had drawn up of people to be informed .
16 A list was drawn up of events that had , prior to depression , given her a sense of achievement and pleasure .
17 After deciding that oak would be best for the job , it was then to work , carefully measuring the arch and getting it all drawn up to scale .
18 The King held it good to accomplish her desire ; and forthwith ordered letters to be drawn up to Rodrigo of Bivar , wherein he enjoined and commanded him that he should come incontinently to Valencia , for he had much to communicate to him , upon an affair which was greatly to God 's service , and his own welfare and great honour .
19 Three times this was done , and then the sheet was drawn up to heaven again .
20 But behind her she could hear , all over the bay , the scraps of men 's voices shouting , and the rumble of rollers as the ships were drawn up to safety , and the lowing and bleating of animals being driven uphill .
21 In front of each barricade a row of hefty constables was drawn up with truncheons in their hands .
22 This should be backed up by improved public transport , within the framework of overall traffic management plans to be drawn up with highway authorities .
23 A few months later , both England and West Indies were in Australia , each playing three alternating Tests against the home team to ‘ celebrate ’ the armistice drawn up with Kerry Packer .
24 Since the General Election , a programme of meetings was drawn up with Westminster Strategy involving ministers and the new intake of MPs , special advisers , PPSs and opposition spokesmen .
25 One of the matters brought to light by the plans to operate trolleybuses , was the need to rationalize electric current supply and with that in mind a new agreement was drawn up with Croydon Corporation .
26 Have you actually got a plan drawn up with measurements , devised to the top and the base as well or are you going to do that when you
27 Clinical grading was specifically drawn up for nurses , ‘ yet it will start to break up as soon as job evaluation is introduced ’ .
28 ‘ Two sets of twins , all boys , as indicated by the horoscopes drawn up for Lucia and Michele , which greatly influenced her father 's decision to allow them to marry . ’
29 A company was set up , a detailed survey was done , and a bill drawn up for presentation to Parliament — the usual procedure .
30 A memorandum was drawn up for presentation to the November 1990 Helsinki ( Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ) conference on the environment .
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