Example sentences of "drawn from [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Imagery drawn from Maccabean sources associates the Westminster paintings of that time with a French , rather than English , stock of images and iconography .
2 An example comes from Williams ( 1981 , p.23 ) when he discusses the beneficiaries of a large World Bank project in Nigeria : ‘ these rich beneficiaries are drawn from army officers , government officials , contractors , merchants and members of the office-holding aristocracy , who purchase land in anticipation of benefits from the project and from cheap bank credits ’ .
3 It is revealing that on the fifth disc , which comprises material all drawn from BBC broadcasts — Chausson 's Poème , Brahms 's Vier ernste Gesänge plus a recital of English songs — there is very little distortion .
4 The political sting had been drawn from pacifist witness .
5 In late July it was announced that Morocco 's air force was to be upgraded through the purchase of 20 F-16 fighter aircraft , worth in total US$250,000,000 , and drawn from United States air force stocks .
6 A similar breakaway led by David Clement , the South Shields secretary of Wilson 's union from 1889 to 1901 , produced another new organisation , the National Seamen 's Federated Union with a nucleus of its membership drawn from NSFU north east coast branches .
7 The following account is largely drawn from Sherwin Hall 's article in Veterinary History ( Summer 1984 ) .
8 In this chapter , less emphasis is given to child than to infant mortality and , also , to morbidity , partly because the influence of biological factors becomes considerably weaker during childhood and , partly because the number of observed deaths decreases by age so rapidly that inferences drawn from survey statistics become less significant and the mortality figures more erratic due to increasing sampling errors .
9 The third generalization is drawn from survey data .
10 Detailed interviews are being conducted on a sample drawn from court records of divorced people representing men , women , pursuers , defenders , receivers and payers of maintenance .
11 And he supports the long-floated idea that road tax should be scrapped , with the equivalent revenue drawn from petrol duty .
12 The name on one of the passports Graham had drawn from UNACO stores in New York .
13 T-tests are a fairly simple way of testing for significance in the difference between the mean or proportion of a sample drawn from country A and the mean or proportion of a sample drawn from country B.
14 T-tests are a fairly simple way of testing for significance in the difference between the mean or proportion of a sample drawn from country A and the mean or proportion of a sample drawn from country B.
15 The casts , drawn from Glyndebourne singers of the 1950s and early '60s , with the exception of De los Angeles brought in for Rosina in Barbiere , are part of a tightly knit ensemble .
16 It is drawn from member states in response to specific requests to the EC for assistance and its composition will vary from incident to incident depending on the type of help and advice being sought . ’
17 The UFC funds are allocated to the Universities for support of their teaching and research activities , whereas the Research Council money goes towards specific projects , reviewed by an internal assessment panel comprising subject specialists drawn from university departments .
18 Hosts are volunteers , drawn from University staff and the wider Edinburgh public .
19 Its membership was exclusively middle class , and included an ‘ uncanny proportion of lawyers ’ , together with large numbers of academics drawn from Manchester University .
20 Greetings cards , images drawn from Manchester City 's art collection .
21 Technically " non-party " , the administration was described by the Middle East Economic Digest of June 28 as " largely drawn from establishment figures no longer closely associated with the National Liberation Front [ FLN ] " ; some ministers were " linked " with opposition parties or dissident currents within the FLN .
22 Discs has also sponsored a women 's football team by supplying them with a kit partly drawn from Billy Bragg 's Red Star Belgrade promotional shirts .
23 Green himself had been turned away from a polling station in the capital , Georgetown , for lack of identity papers ; this prompted his supporters , drawn from slum districts , to go on the rampage , attacking the Commission 's headquarters and that of the PPP and looting and vandalising scores of Indian shops .
24 However , as one of the main findings of this research was that arts educators were not aware of recent changes in modes adopted to undertake professional development generally , the first part of the chapter concerns itself with a review of this issue , exemplars being drawn from arts education where these are available .
25 Taylor begged leave to deny that analogies drawn from lead mines in stratified rocks are to be applied to deep copper mines and he considered it rather hard to have " crude suggestions of this sort pressed upon us " .
26 The only general conclusions that can be drawn from indifference analysis are the following :
27 The working party , under the chairmanship of the Personnel Manager , consisted of five members drawn from Data Processing ( 1 ) , Finance ( 1 ) and Personnel ( 3 ) areas .
28 Consequently inferences made about the main sources of morbidity in later life drawn from mortality data will be misleading .
29 Team members , who are all individually skilled as managers or practitioners in working to improve services for carers , are being drawn from health authorities , social services departments , voluntary organisations , and the independent sector .
30 At York , admissions to the freedom of the city show that in the period 1301–1550 less than one-seventh of those admitted were drawn from citizen stock , while at Romney in Kent between 1433 and 1523 , a quarter of the freemen came from outside the county , and only a third from within a 5-mile radius of the town ( 70 ) .
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