Example sentences of "impact on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I 'd just like to ask Sir Leonard whether the nature of the issues that are dealt with by environmental organisations , erm , indeed arguments such as pays etc. erm , introduces a difference in the nature of the relationship between the private sector and environmental N G Os , particularly when the issues that we promote , such as su the sustainable use of the world resources and the reduction of environmental degradation can have a direct impact on a companies bottom line .
2 The legislation would have most impact on the dioceses , and Dr Runcie was anxious the debate should be extended to the grassroots .
3 But the recession and the Treasury 's growing public expenditure bill have prompted a review of certain departments ' spending : social security , health , the home office and education — all those which have an impact on the operations of SSDs .
4 So I included lots of my old yoga positions in the routine and combined them with the small isometric movements for maximum impact on the muscles .
5 This section is therefore designed to show how the companies scan their environments to identify these fundamental and broad-ranging changes that might have an impact on the companies ' future outlook .
6 Fiegehen and Reddaway concluded : ‘ it is clear that , in total , any disincentive effects that operated on senior managers had a minimal impact on the activities of British industry ’ .
7 So as not to spoil needlessly the houses and gardens entrusted to its care but still find the money required to look after them , the Trust is continually looking for ways of raising funds which do not have an impact on the properties .
8 Certain industries because of data problems or their particular role , for example construction and distribution , are worth studying in detail , in as much as they have an important impact on the properties of the overall model .
9 Nevertheless , the political , social and economic reforms undertaken by Japan 's leaders , as well as Japan 's new relationship with the outside world , were bound before long to have an impact on the lives of all Japanese .
10 The humanities , on the other hand , regard a concern with moral issues as central to their meaning ; philosophers , historians , literary critics , consistently make explicit their interest in morality-while the study of philosophy , history or English appears to have had little impact on the lives of the mass of people .
11 However , an understanding of ageism , its impact on the lives of older people and its interaction with sexism and racism is much less advanced ( Hughes and Mtezuka , 1992 ) .
12 But when we faced its devastating impact on the lives of people we knew , we had no idea what to do .
13 Piggy might have been able to save the boys ; as with his sensible , mature attitude resulting from the trauma caused by his parents ' death , he could have made a great impact on the boys .
14 It may well be that in some metropolitan areas Labour is suffering the kind of adverse voter reaction noted in the London boroughs , but the issue of the poll tax appears itself to have had very little substantive impact on the differences in electoral behaviour between authorities .
15 This is especially obvious , for instance , when we examine culturally stereotyped responses to danger and stress , and attempt to evaluate their impact on the feelings of our informants .
16 They made the Navigation Acts effective ; in the colonies the legislation came to be known as ‘ the Acts of Trade ’ , which expressed rather well the way that , while the Acts ' main importance to England lay in their encouragement to shipping , their main impact on the colonies came in the way they affected the pattern of trade that was developing .
17 After all , the greatest input of heat from the Sun into the ‘ weather machine ’ is in the tropics , and cooling there can have the biggest impact on the workings of the whole machinery of climate and weather .
18 Critics , however , argue that you have to measure the impact on the recipients of transfers as well .
19 Mr. Stern : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he intends to make any proposals to alleviate the impact on the ports of south Wales of proposed barrage schemes .
20 How ICI halved the value of its shareholders ' funds 20 years of 10% a year inflation has had a significant impact on the accounts of ICI and GEC
21 A second major debate about the effects of new technology concerns the impact on the skills which will be required of workers in the future .
22 Simplifying their lifestyle has made a tremendous impact on the Woolleys .
23 The impact on the Germans was immediate ; from this moment , said the Reichs Archives , ‘ began the flanking fire on the ravines and roads north of Douaumont that was to cause us such severe casualties . ’
24 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
25 While , for the reasons just explored , raising the standard of care may have only a limited impact on the courts ' willingness to categorise a decision as negligent rather than as a mere ‘ error of judgment ’ , it may still nevertheless lead to the courts playing a greater role as monitors of business efficiency .
26 Thermoluminescence has had a major impact on the antiquities market starting from about 1970 when the first tests were made in Oxford .
27 Indeed , it could be argued that the collective influence of the processes discussed in this chapter have made a greater impact on the cities and those living within them than has inner-city policy .
28 Outside after their meal they crouch in the small low car , knees touching chins , Jeremy braced for maximum impact on the controls as he carves a jerky aggressive path through the sluggish traffic .
29 ( for further discussion of the Russians ' impact on the natives , see Chapter 4 . )
30 JIM COURIER and Pete Sampras ( top ) lost their opening round-robin match against Darren Cahill and Mark Kratzman in the eight-team Nabisco Masters doubles championship at the Royal Albert Hall yesterday , but they are tipped to make an impact on the doubles game , writes Martin James .
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