Example sentences of "larger than [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet still , there was to be a branding upon the leather-tough buttocks : an imprint of a clenched fist , no larger than a fingernail .
2 Readers may be surprised to learn that I have never owned anything larger than a 48″ × 18″ × 18″ , though at one point many years ago a 72″ × 18″ ( angle iron , with a divided front like the windscreen in very old Morris Minors ) nearly came to live with me .
3 The casual visitor to Dall 's crowded study might miss seeing a hyper-sensitive barometer sitting on the shelf , not much larger than a can of beans .
4 The size of the shop floor in a supermarket is usually about 600 square metres ( slightly larger than a tennis court ) .
5 Although water is far less compressible than air , the aquifer holds a lot of water compressed in this way because it is much larger than a tyre .
6 She had some olive oil ; it was in a small jar , possibly a tiny jar no larger than a perfume bottle .
7 About ⅛″ is a suitable size for a close-mesh net , not larger than a quarter of an inch in the case of a home-made , drilled plate where the holes can be spaced more widely apart .
8 If IBM has any sense ( which is in itself a topic worthy of serious consideration ) it will offer versions of its engine for the entire ES/9000 range ; should it do so , the 9221 version might be nothing larger than a circuit board or two that fits in a standard rack .
9 Once the adult is much larger than a sperm cell , it pays some individuals to produce a small number of large gametes , rather than a large number of small ones , because a large gamete ( after fusing with a small one ) has a much better chance of surviving to become an adult .
10 Something larger than a man .
11 Something much larger than a man .
12 Paddington was beginning to loom slightly larger than a man 's hand on the horizon ; Paddington was where the murdered Kemp had stood and phoned The Randolph the previous day .
13 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
14 Not many years ago , it seemed that almost all readability research , and almost all research in linguistics confined itself to the analysis of units no larger than a sentence .
15 Advantage : the closet is larger than a pit and therefore lasts longer also it is easy to empty .
16 Each window was no larger than a sheet of tabloid newspaper and there was clearly no upstairs to the place .
17 Carrington was carrying what appeared to be a portable radio : Grant had a black metallic box slightly larger than a sheet of foolscap paper and less than three inches thick .
18 No larger than a desk diary , the CompuAdd Companion weighs a remarkable 4.4 pounds — yet has all the performance and functionality of a full-sized 286 PC .
19 The Wolverines ' stock of blast and frag grenades would likewise be of little avail , though since each grenade hardly bulked larger than a coin the Scouts could at least retain their pursefuls of those in case they needed to kill at a distance .
20 I marvelled at it , a frog not even an inch long , no larger than a thumb nail .
21 It is blueish in colour , six times larger than a chicken 's egg , and about to make ornithological history .
22 It 's not really much larger than a Piper Malibu , but it has that long pointed nose extending forever forward from a rakish windscreen , ending in the quadruple petals of that mean-looking prop , and that makes a difference .
23 It looked no larger than a pin when it finally hit the surface without a sound , and disappeared .
24 Dangling from the hook came a length of rope and a piece of leather larger than a dog collar , large enough , indeed , to have fitted a goat .
25 The only problem was that the coastline awarded to Poland lacked a single port larger than a fishing village along its entire length and was therefore virtually useless to a modern state .
26 A moorland parish will obviously be larger than a parish in a fertile area that was densely settled in early times ; a church that was an Anglo-Saxon missionary centre will usually have a larger parish than one that was founded later .
27 Police Constable Harry Evans is driving along a country road when he sees strange lights in the sky and an object larger than a bus hovering in the road ahead of him .
28 The plants featured , however , embrace nothing larger than a fly , so humans are quite safe .
29 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
30 And Dot saw something else alive and moving out there too , brown yet larger than a hare .
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