Example sentences of "larger than [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Eight times larger than a lion , the griffin has an acute sense of hearing , and its talons are highly prized for their ability to change colour when they come into contact with poison .
32 Storage bag , usually larger than a torba .
33 What cost hundreds of thousands of pounds in the nineteen-fifties , and occupied a large building , now only costs a hundred or two , and is not much larger than a typewriter .
34 A scientist tells me : ‘ It will come in a size no larger than a Calor Gas cylinder .
35 One of the largest and most distinctive larks , larger than a Skylark ( p. 205 ) , with a long slightly curved bill and striking black and white wing-pattern , both features somewhat recalling Hoopoe ( p. 191 ) .
36 Little Billy could see this clearly despite the fact that the whole of the tiny man 's head was no larger than a pea .
37 The pulse-receiver would have been no larger than a matchbox , probably receiving on something like 72.15 megahertz a signal sent from a small transmitter .
38 At first they moved cautiously , but before long they grew confident at finding no trace of any creature larger than a mouse .
39 The Sunday after they came back from the West Indies , he and Sara and his mother — who was living with them now in a room not much larger than a cupboard , although the view , as Simon constantly said , was staggering — went formally to lunch in their old house .
40 Smaller she grew , and smaller yet , till she was no larger than a monkey .
41 There is a little mark , only just larger than a needle might have made , under her left breast . ’
42 No larger than a paper-clip , these miniature detonators are used , and only used , within the Soviet space programme at Baikonur .
43 It was a scale drawing of a miniature microphone , perfectly reproduced , which was in reality no larger than a sugar cube .
44 In burns — any third degree burn ( see below ) , any second degree burn ( blistering and loss of the top surface of the skin — very sore and painful ) occurring on sensitive skin ( face , hands , genitals ) or second degree burn larger than a hand size occurring anywhere else .
45 In the case of a severe burn , that is one that is larger than an inch in diameter , the rule is the same : cool first , cover later , and in this instance start to cool as quickly as possible to prevent the burn spreading into the surrounding tissue .
46 ‘ You 'd think , ’ she said to herself , ‘ that the larger the tree , the larger the seed , like eggs — but a chestnut is larger than an acorn. ,
47 There was no covert there larger than an acre or two and they had been placed as much for their scenic effect as for their game-preserving role .
48 Once the width between the eyes had been determined and marked out , George worked on both eyes ; that way , neither eye ends up larger than the other .
49 Now one is much larger than the other .
50 and had one foot three sizes larger than the other .
51 Along with the servants has gone much of Sir Charles 's sense of responsibility to a local community larger than the household .
52 These facts will be irrelevant if no unit larger than the grapheme is used to read aloud , because a standard rule ea — ‘ ee ’ will be applied to ea regardless of what other graphemes exist in the non-word .
53 If some unit larger than the grapheme is used , such as a ( vowel + consonant ) unit , one might expect gead to be pronounced to rhyme with bread , because the most common pronunciation for — ead is the one used for bread .
54 Exactly the same issues arise in relation to the task of spelling non-words to dictation , and here again it appears that this not done solely by phoneme-grapheme rules , but that some role is played by units larger than the grapheme ( Campbell , 1983 ) .
55 The pixel size of the TV-scanned image is much larger than the pixel size generated by a drum scanner .
56 The amount that is actually being re-used is perhaps rather larger than the public realises : PWMI estimates that 7.6 per cent of the EC 's total plastic waste of 10.7m tonnes is recycled , while the calorific value of a further 12.8 per cent is recovered by using waste as fuel .
57 Where there is a relatively small hole in the board , such as where a light fitting has been removed , you only need a small piece of plasterboard slightly larger than the hole .
58 Tear a piece of tissue paper larger than the hole , making edges frayed and fibrous
59 The space below the hole will tend to contain objects smaller than the hole , and the space above will tend to contain objects larger than the hole .
60 At the end of the corpus spongiosum ( through which runs the urethra ) is the glans penis which is larger than the rest of this cylinder and is the most sensitive part of the penis .
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