Example sentences of "followed by [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On other later occasions there was either a threat of seizure or an actual seizure of goods followed by payment under protest .
2 Lavandera 's response to these difficulties is to propose an initial examination by the analyst of discourse function rather than of surface grammatical form , followed by consideration of the functions which are served by the form — the subjunctive in this case .
3 Discussion of these two types of problems will be followed by consideration of what the test for establishing bias actually is .
4 The case law will be examined , followed by consideration of the varying tests for substantive control which are at our disposal .
5 He announced a review of ‘ underlying issues ’ , including the current powers of public authorities , and said that would be followed by consideration of how to treat and assess contaminated land .
6 The typically bi-modal career followed by women in Britain over recent decades ( leaving aside the marriage bar which affected older women ) has meant that married women and mothers of any marital status do not fit into structures of occupational pension provision designed for male breadwinners .
7 Evidence from any supporters of the proposals would be heard next , followed by evidence from objectors local authorities , public bodies , conservation and other organisations , local residents ' groups and individuals .
8 At the time of going to press , he had won three tournaments , in San Francisco in February , followed by back to back victories in Indian Wells and Key Biscayne in March , scoring wins over Courier ( twice ) , Krajicek , Gilbert and Sampras along the way .
9 This was followed by neodymium-iron-boron from General Motors and Sumitomo in 1983 .
10 ‘ Periods of elation followed by bouts of depression .
11 Sufferers from bulimia are prone to eating binges , followed by bouts of self-induced vomiting .
12 In 1908 , when the remaining nine holes were opened , courses also opened at Frilford Heath , North Oxford and Harewood Downs , followed by Temple in 1909 , Reading ( formerly Caversham and South Oxon ) in 1910 and Sonning in 1914 .
13 Periods of peat accumulation were followed by periods of rapid subsidence in which the peat swamp was submerged and covered with silt or sand .
14 Bingeing triggers behaviours which attempt to ‘ make good ’ the binge , such as vomiting and/or laxative abuse , followed by periods of food deprivation .
15 It is worthy of note , however , that these presidents were all followed by periods of anti-executive backlash .
16 Several years of expansion with free and easy credit conditions , when bank loans and mortgages are freely available at affordable interest rates , are followed by periods of austerity .
17 The ERCs can , if necessary , be followed by periods of vocational training at training centres and colleges which teach the disabled new skills so that they can obtain work again .
18 There are , however , often specific periods of , usually , intense activity , followed by periods of inactivity .
19 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
20 This was followed by construction from a series of concrete rings , 6ft in diameter , mortared together ; more recently , cesspools have been made from glass fibre ( glass reinforced plastic , GRP ) .
21 Each entry consists of a brief history of the building , followed by accounts of its conservation and that of individual works of art , such as the cleaning of Donatello 's ‘ St John the Baptist ’ in the Frari or the great stained glass window in SS .
22 This was followed by provisions of £846m in 1989 .
23 The Carpentras attack was followed by incidents in Jewish cemeteries elsewhere in France , including one at Clichy-sous-Bois outside Paris on May 13 .
24 Planned appropriate treatment is implemented for clients with active ulceration followed by evaluation of care .
25 The next most important item is Education and Science with 12.7% of the total , followed by defence with 9 4% of general government expenditure .
26 A cash injection now followed by income from transfer tribunals would guarantee their immediate future and dash Halifax 's hopes of escaping relegation to the Vauxhall Conference .
27 The instructor develops their compatibility and competency over four weeks at the training centre , followed by after-care in the students ' home environment .
28 Lewis v Razor Ruddock at Earls Court in London on October 31 , followed by Holyfield against Riddick Bowe — the number one contender — at the Mirage in Las Vegas on November 13 .
29 These heroic bouts of campaigning would be followed by discussions on aspects of international politics which would last well into the early hours .
30 They are followed by discussions with some of the film-makers .
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