Example sentences of "followed in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Davies v. Sumner is the leading authority on the meaning of the expression ‘ in the course of a business ’ and has been followed in a case under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , R. & B. Customs Brokers v. United Dominion Trust , where it was held that a business 's buying of two or three cars over a period of five years was an insufficient degree of regularity for the latest such purchase to be regarded as made in the course of the business ( see paragraph 10–18 above . )
2 The Law Society has published a statement recommending the procedure to be followed in a case of exchange by telephone or telex ( [ 1980 ] Gazette , 13 February , 144 ) .
3 Nevertheless the problem remains of explaining why sex differential rules arise and are followed in a language at all .
4 Walking room , as you might expect , is the allowance of extra space ahead of a moving subject which is being followed in a pan shot , whether a human figure , a vehicle or some other object .
5 What follows , therefore , is an outline which is very general indeed and in no way a blueprint to be slavishly followed in every instance .
6 While the recommendations of the Code may not have to be followed in every case , tribunals hearing unfair dismissal claims are entitled to take note of any breach of the Code .
7 Labour Members like the idea that one can formulate the blueprint in Brussels and hand it down to be followed in every corner of the Community .
8 In what I say here I may well not be followed in every respect by one or another scholar , and there are matters open to a different interpretation .
9 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
10 Lord Keith was followed in the navy by his nephew , Admiral Fleming of Cumbernauld , who was even further estranged from the Administration by his support of parliamentary reform .
11 It was only with the American-led development from the 1900s of geriatric medicine as a new specialty , followed in the interwar years by self-help books and clubs encouraging older people to keep fit , travel , keep working , and — at least from the 1950s — stay sexually active , that informed European opinion began once more to swing towards a positive view of ageing .
12 He had begun retaining from Middleham ( the only one of the three lordships for which evidence survives ) by August 1471 , when he feed the earl 's auditor and councillor Thomas Metcalfe , and further indentures followed in the course of the autumn and winter .
13 He had begun retaining from Middleham ( the only one of the three lordships for which evidence survives ) by August 1471 , when he feed the earl 's auditor and councillor Thomas Metcalfe , and further indentures followed in the course of the autumn and winter .
14 The procedure on application for a new lease is similar to that to be followed in the Chancery Division ( see Chancery Practice and Orders , Blackford , Jaque and Quint ( Longman 1991 ) .
15 It is essential that all personnel entering the building are fully aware of the procedure to be followed in the event of fire or any other emergency situation occurring , e.g. bomb alerts .
16 It also considers the sufficiency of the fire warning and alarm system , including the question of whether automatic detectors should be installed , the sufficiency of the routine to be followed in the event of fire , the sufficiency of the fire fighting equipment to be provided .
17 When industrial disputes arose the bill first prescribed direct talks between workers and management , followed in the event of a breakdown in these talks by mediation for up to 14 days by an independent arbitration ; if mediation failed a strike could then be called subject to the strike organizers ' giving seven day 's notice to management .
18 Rather as in the case of the warranty given for defective goods , both buyer and seller find it advantageous to set out the procedure and remedies to be followed in the event of any claim of infringement being made by a third party .
19 First , the works procedure for handling asbestos should be reviewed and additional emphasis placed on procedures to be followed in the event of an accidental release .
20 8.15 The procedure to be followed in the reference
21 This proposal was accepted , and is likely to be followed in the drafting of other safety directives .
22 ‘ You may care to consider whether this is not a practice to be followed in the case of Ferranti . ’
23 This was followed in the case of Ellen Street Estates Ltd. v. The Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1934 ) where the court found that it was impossible for Parliament to enact that , in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter , there should be no implied repeal .
24 The same procedure should be followed in the case of other searches , the Schedules that may be attached to the official Certificate of Search , and also answers to your preliminary enquiries and requisitions on title made of the seller .
25 The decision in Chamberlain v IRC was followed in the case of Clark and the Langrange Trust and Investment Co Ltd v IRC 28 TC 55 .
26 Instructions to invigilators setting out the details of the procedures to be followed in the conduct of examinations shall be approved by or on behalf of the Senate .
27 This chapter provides guidance to be followed in the conduct of valuation engagements and preparing and issuing the related reports .
28 Over the century , as changes have taken place in everyday living , so changes have followed in the style and choice of materials for use in church services .
29 Most importantly , it was forged out of the overlap between work-place and village , the fact that , as an occupational community , relationships established at work spilled over into leisure hours , while the accepted code of behaviour which was followed in the village also applied to the situation at work .
30 The course the strike followed in the village was of an initial passive consensus led by activists , which with the onset of local strikebreaking ( Sept 1984 ) became transformed into an active consensus with widespread mobilisation .
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