Example sentences of "effort [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 In an effort to contain the June ‘ xuechao ’ on campus , the authorities issued warnings to major Beijing work units .
32 In a report published on Jan. 3 , the human rights organization Amnesty International accused the Israeli government of condoning , and even encouraging , the extrajudicial execution of Palestinian civilians in an effort to contain the intifada ( " uprising " ) .
33 For example , in India and some other developing countries , there has be&n some effort to redress the imbalance between professional and paraprofessional training .
34 The five permanent members of the UN Security Council were involved in an effort to increase the flexibility of the Turkish Cypriot position , and , like the US administration , also asked the Turkish government to apply pressure in this direction .
35 Mulroney added to his own discomfort by admitting that he had deliberately waited until the last moment before calling a conference of Premiers , in an effort to increase the pressure upon the dissenting provincial leaders .
36 After the collapse of the MacDonald government and the dispute with the ILP , the Labour Party made a concerted effort to increase the strength of the League .
37 A devaluation of the rial by 23 per cent in February 1990 was initially reported as the introduction of a preferential rate in an effort to increase the remittances of foreign currency by North Yemenis working abroad ; however , by March 1990 this new rate of approximately US$1.00=12 rials was being cited as the official rate .
38 First , make every effort to know the person who has died , whether you are visiting as someone involved in the funeral arrangements or as a friend who is trying to help .
39 Brooke announced that he was giving up his effort to revive the talks when the parties could not agree on a format to proceed in the context of the forthcoming UK general election ( due to be held by July ) .
40 The government , in an effort to tighten the grip on Gen Aoun , dismissed Lebanon 's ambassador to the US , Mr Abdallah Bouhabib , who has been supporting the general 's policies for more than 15 months .
41 This in turn would require a corpus larger than the Brown to provide sufficient examples and considerable effort to obtain the parses .
42 The Labour plan calls for an increased effort to meet the EC nitrogen dioxide directive ; better monitoring and the regular broadcasting of air quality information on the media ; the retrospective fitting of catalytic converters to vehicles ; and a halt to the government 's road-building programme .
43 COSE , it turns out , is part of a much wider recipe that was originally cooked up by Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp , prime movers in the effort to meet the threat to Unix — and OS/2 for that matter — posed by Microsoft Corp 's forthcoming Windows NT operating system , and probably two of the firms with potentially the most to lose .
44 COSE , it has emerged , is part of a much wider recipe that was originally cooked up by Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp , prime movers in the effort to meet the threat of Microsoft Corp Windows NT , and probably two of the firms with potentially the most to lose .
45 In an effort to meet the terms set by the World Bank in June 1989 for the granting of a US$150,000,000 structural adjustment loan , the government agreed to a number of measures aimed at restructuring the banking , state and agricultural sectors .
46 Gulf oil states are stepping up production of a " green " petrol additive in an effort to meet the requirements of the US Clean Air Act , which demands higher levels of oxygen in petrol .
47 In the face of societal indifference — followed by outright hostility — we were forced into a frantic effort to meet the needs of those who were ill .
48 The Namibian authorities opened a border post in the Caprivi Strip at Mpelela Island in the Zambezi River on Nov. 1 , describing this as an effort to meet the needs of Zambians travelling to Namibia by river and to stop smugglers of drugs , corn meal and other goods , and presenting the move as being in accordance with a 1990 agreement with Zambia ; the latter , however , claimed that the Namibians had acted unilaterally and that , without a post on its side of the border , Zambia would lose customs revenue from undeclared goods .
49 In his final arguments in the three-day hearing , Gavin Lightman QC , for the magazine , said that if a retrial was ordered it intended to subpeona the editor of the Mail on Sunday , Stewart Steven , and two senior journalists from the company in an effort to discover the truth behind a £25,000 payment to Mrs Sutcliffe .
50 Tory leader Coun Tony Richmond said the blame for that lost opportunity lay completely with Labour breaking the golden rule and failing to use a Government minister in the effort to attract the company .
51 In the first place , dosh : Arun district council sponsors the event and provides the Regis Centre — Bognor 's effort to attract the conference market — at a special rate .
52 ‘ It was no effort to find the strength to ferry peasants and their beasts across the Grönsund ; it was no hardship to clothe herself in fustian and feed on oats .
53 Intellectuals initiated a number of urgent debates about the state of the nation in an effort to find the root cause of the difficulties and propose new solutions .
54 They then analyse the interrelationship of these data using various statistical techniques in an effort to isolate the importance of the various factors for the number of hours worked .
55 Central to this coercive policing was a concerted effort to isolate the prostitute from working-class culture .
56 But in the winter of 1944 Hitler made one last desperate effort to retrieve the situation .
57 On Dec. 23 Alia announced a reshuffle of key economic portfolios in an effort to tackle the country 's economic crisis .
58 In an effort to resuscitate the moribund Open Systems Interconnection market , Unix System Laboratories is going to try to make its OSI stack a commodity by cutting source code fees from $50,000 to $10,000 .
59 Main rival Jan Zelezny picked up the spear and pounded out an 83.96 metres with his first and only effort to lead the field .
60 * The Laotian Agriculture Ministry has announced plans for the semi-settlement of a quarter of a million families of shifting cultivators , in an effort to restrict the effects of " slash and burn " farming on the country 's forests .
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