Example sentences of "to meet [art] new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is expressed in Article 12 of the Convention which is an adaptation to meet the new range of modes of service of corresponding provisions in the 1954 Convention .
2 Microsoft have already moved strongly to meet the new generation of MS-DOS multimedia computers which is about to emerge .
3 The two Hearthwares turned to meet the new foes , but Bicker 's blade had already slid into the throat of one , and Isay 's staff had split the skull of the other like a bruised apple .
4 ‘ Oh , Father told me you 'd opened the new girls ’ school , so I simply had to come to meet the new schoolteacher .
5 Country Landowners Association president Lord De Ramsey became one of the first of British agriculture 's leaders to meet the new Minister .
6 Another way of viewing them , however , is from the bottom up : as expressions of concern about the ability of the Conservative party adequately to meet the new challenges .
7 Furthermore , MDC 's capacity to meet the new challenges has to be questioned , since it has been granted limited additional resources and has recruited no extra staff to meet its wider remit .
8 Developed in close co-operation with leading car manufacturers , it 's a highly refined 10w/40 multigrade — specially designed to meet the new challenges of the 1990s .
9 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
10 Perhaps , as officials contend , faces will be saved by a last-minute rush to meet the new deadline .
11 His senior aides are convinced they can speed up the Maastricht ratification process to meet the new deadline .
12 On the other hand , practices whose procedures are well organised and geared up to meet the new deadline will surely benefit from the new regime .
13 Where traditional own resources are inadequate to meet the new expenditure ceiling , the fourth resource comes into operation .
14 Tioxide 's major waste reduction programme is well under way at sites throughout Europe to meet the new EC Titanium Dioxide Harmonization Directive .
15 centres where SCOTVEC has identified concerns , based on previous experience , on the effectiveness of the internal quality systems and assistance to meet the new criteria may be required .
16 The practical key to Arsenal 's rise was the balance effected between defence and attack , to meet the new conditions of the changed offside law .
17 He travelled abroad incessantly , making at least two major foreign visits a year : in 1989 , for instance , he carried out official visits to Britain , France , Finland and West Germany , visited Cuba , East Germany and China , took part in the first-ever summit between the Soviet Union and Ireland during a stop-over at Shannon airport , and still found time to meet the new US President George Bush in December after a state visit to Italy and a first-ever meeting with the Pope .
18 Such a move is only a matter of time , but the time-scale will vary considerably from authority to authority depending on the phasing-in of their delegation schemes and the speed at which they restructure the various service departments to meet the new role which has to be created within the strategy and time-scale set down by the legislation .
19 Increases necessary to meet the new rate demands were limited to 15 per cent each year for smaller businesses and 20 per cent each year for larger businesses .
20 A foreign office contact once described in awe-struck terms how , when an African government changes , the first person from Britain to meet the new ruler is often not our ambassador , but Tiny Rowland .
21 He lives among ‘ high art and painted glass , spade farms , and model smell-traps , rubricalities and sanitary reforms , and all inventions , possible and impossible , for ‘ stretching the old formula to meet the new fact ’ ’ .
22 So it 's comforting to know that one word is all you need specify in order to meet the new standards : Pilkinsulation .
23 According to estimates by the UN Commission , the UK would have to spend DM3,500 million a year to meet the new targets , or DM2,900 million more than it had planned .
24 Mr Major is expected to meet the new president for the first time before Christmas .
25 The installation of a CO2 snowing or snowshooting system can save considerable costs or inconvenience when existing cold stores are not large enough , or dwell times in the store are too short to meet the new temperature regulations .
26 To meet the new challenge and greet the new headmaster , there was also a new Chairman of Governors : Blank had became temporary Chairman on Moult 's death , and when he retired , the Governors elected Mr. W.A. Kershaw as Chairman .
27 We must see that more goods are forthcoming to meet the new demand .
28 These price increases restored the industry 's income to levels sufficient to cover book costs , but prices still remained low relative to the higher costs the industry was having to incur to meet the new demand .
29 Most of this growth came in Catalytic Systems Division , where autocatalyst sales increased rapidly in Europe to meet the new emission standards for all new cars sold in the European Community , and in Materials Technology Division which benefited from cost rationalisation and a strong performance from the electronic materials business .
30 One of the more pleasant surprises , on a protracted visit to The Towers in January , had been to meet the new bride at the Hall .
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