Example sentences of "relevant to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 considering the evidence and making findings of fact relevant to the legal test ;
2 A visit is particularly relevant to the new National Curricula in History , Science and Technology .
3 The basis of these systems was the allocation of credit points to parts of courses so that candidates could move from one course to another or from one centre to another and carry credit for past achievement , where that achievement was relevant to the new course .
4 They do n't seem to feel that the democratic organizations of working people are relevant to the new model Labour Party .
5 So far , we have discussed evidence which is particularly relevant to the first of these issues , but which also has implications for the second .
6 That is not a complete explanation for Athens ' continuing preoccupation with Sicily , which culminated in the great expedition of 415 , but may be relevant to the first contacts .
7 It is , however , relevant to the other elements .
8 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
9 Because this issue , though important , is not really relevant to the algebraic properties of occam , we will abstract away from it .
10 This means keeping all the paperwork relevant to the successful candidate , including the job/personnel specifications , the advertisement used and most especially the notes you yourself made during the interview , immediately afterward and while making the final selection .
11 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
12 Now , there is no doubt that the law will imply control over skill and knowledge during employment as being relevant to the general duty of fidelity ( see Faccenda Chicken ) .
13 In 1927 , treating of the fascination with ritual on the part of a Baudelaire who was vitally relevant to the present Eliot seeks to rescue Baudelaire from ‘ the Swinbumian violet-coloured London fog of the ‘ nineties ’ .
14 But the more profiles are concerned with qualities of character and extra-curricular activities , the more intrusive of privacy they seem ; and , perhaps more relevant to the present enquiry , the less they have to do with the actual school curriculum .
15 The finding relevant to the present argument is one that arises from a comparison of the results of the experiment reported above with those from a minor variation of this study , in which the passages were changed to the past tense .
16 The Department has always sought to provide students with a knowledge of those areas most relevant to the present and future needs of the modern accountant .
17 As I have previously stated , my own belief is that Earth Mysteries should be relevant to the present day , and that means we must make our own relationship with the sacred sites .
18 Or it may be testimony relevant to the present conversation .
19 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
20 Nonetheless , it is an outstanding work and especially relevant to the present enquiry .
21 Three things stand out clearly that are relevant to the present discussion .
22 It is particularly relevant to the present work , concerned with the role of precious substances as symbols of excellence , that is as objects of emulation , that Veblen should have specified ‘ precious stones and the metals and some other materials used for adornment and decoration ’ in so many words as being of outstanding ‘ utility as items of conspicuous waste ’ .
23 Two aspects of the common law position set out in Archbold , which are relevant to the present appeal , are illustrated by a passage in the judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeal in Northern Ireland in Reg. v. Foxford [ 1974 ] N.I .
24 However , on 30 October 1990 , when the intervention notice was issued , Lautro 's then current rules included the following provisions which are relevant to the present appeal .
25 I use the word ‘ true ’ to express the notion that consent , or refusal of consent , may be inoperative in law for one of three reasons ; there may perhaps be others , but only these three are relevant to the present case .
26 Items relevant to the present discussion of givenness are underlined .
27 ‘ Trollope is hardly relevant to the present day , ’ said Brian , who had been educated differently .
28 Two aspects of this structure are relevant to the present discussion .
29 Epidemic disease has long fascinated historians , and its study has proved to be only too relevant to the present day .
30 For example , where possible imperatives will be interpreted as relevant to the present interaction , and thus as requests to implement some action at the present time .
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