Example sentences of "enough [noun sg] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Bob said : ‘ We have to generate enough income to pay for our able-bodied staff , our overheads and have enough left over to contribute to the cost of employing disabled people .
2 ‘ Is there enough milk left for you ? ’ he said as she sat down once more .
3 They made just enough money busking for him not to have to go back to that .
4 ‘ I 've been accused of wanting to send people 60 miles down the road to hospitals they do n't want to go to … of doctors not having enough money to pay for drugs … of going to close down vital wards …
5 If it auctions off too few cruzeiros , it risks destroying the economy , as there will not be enough money to pay for anything .
6 The plan that produces the least CO 2 costs less than simply letting market forces prevail , because its high level of energy efficiency saves enough money to pay for the investment needed to switch to biomass production .
7 " D' you have enough money to pay for all these goods , Mr Rayne ? "
8 Even the argument that there was not enough money to pay for the programme soon dissolved when heritage languages were actually seen to help immigrant students succeed in other subjects .
9 Historians are trying to raise enough money to pay for a medical artist to reconstruct features onto the skull .
10 ‘ I can easily understand how people can see seals as dewy-eyed little things but if you 're a fisherman who has just had 200 creels robbed and you have n't even made enough money to pay for your fuel never mind make a living , you would view them differently .
11 We gaily thought oh yes we 'll have enough money to pay for a meal .
12 If the tax base is too small to support the welfare burden , there is not enough money to provide for the demand of welfare services and people have to do without .
13 Check that the details specified at the SCHEMAID keyword are correct ( see Appendix C , ‘ Configuration File Keywords ’ ) , that LIFESPAN RDBI has access to the account where the database has to be created , and that enough quota exists for the size of database required .
14 would not produce enough revenue to pay for them .
15 ‘ They said that I had enough equity to qualify for a multi-currency loan .
16 There is seldom enough winter keep for the whole of the breeding stock , and ewe lambs are often sent away to winter in less rugged conditions .
17 Moreover , although a great cult may have brought in more than enough wealth to compensate for the damage caused by those fleeing from the king 's anger , that wealth could still attract the attention of would-be thieves .
18 At times of high wages or low food prices , out-workers could opt for more leisure , but in times of slack trade they might well find themselves unable to get enough work to compensate for falling rates .
19 KEVIN Keegan has rapped some of his Newcastle players for not showing enough desire to play for the club .
20 Apparently Clifton Cinemas raised enough cash to purchase for the nation Spitfire Mk Vb BM240 .
21 Business people — manufacturers , farmers and traders expect to produce and sell more goods in the south , so making enough profit to pay for the more expensive land .
22 Secondly , and much more importantly , politicians , industrialists and the powerful in general , must realise that you can persuade people that risks are acceptable , only when they have enough information to decide for themselves .
23 And taking enough food to last for several days in case the boat was held up by gales .
24 If the hummingbird comes back too soon , there will not be enough food to compensate for the energy it had to expend in getting there .
25 There is enough land to provide for local needs , more than twice enough .
26 I never had enough time to spare for my wife , let alone other women — even if I 'd been so inclined , which I was not . ’
27 In any case , there was not enough time left for me to go that way to look for him .
28 In September 1989 Chadli announced the postponement of local elections , originally scheduled for December , following complaints from the opposition parties that they had not had enough time to prepare for them .
29 well I suppose we wo n't have enough time to prepare for teachers though .
30 ‘ This is not enough time to pay for my daughter 's life , ’ she said .
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