Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Trading forecasts On this there does not , at least , seem to have been a great internal dispute .
2 There seem to have been a lot of people who took up painting for a while and then dropped it : often enough , like the young Roger Vadim , to become a cineaste or a designer in the lively world of small theatres ( which are also extensively documented in the Pavillon des Arts . )
3 If one takes the views of the architects explicitly asked this question in the AMERG survey then the reforms seem to have been a mixed blessing ( 42 per cent thinking them to be beneficial and 29 per cent not to be ) .
4 Naturally , he took a great interest in horse-shoeing , and horseshoes seem to have been a main interest in his continental journeys– He had a great fondness for the application of setons , particularly in cases of lameness — a curious lapse for such a humane man .
5 ‘ Symptom substitution ’ was notable for its absence , and the ‘ underlying psychological problems ’ seem to have been a result rather than a cause .
6 From their shapes , these marks seem to have been a form of writing .
7 And , as we noted , the movement of which Jesus and his followers seem to have been a part regarded the Maccabean regime as a prototype for their own aspirations .
8 By this period he was seriously addicted to the tranquillizer , nembutal , and there seem to have been a number of objects to which he attached his fears — lifts and large animals among them .
9 Even then , there were land development issues associated with local state support for the new system of owner-occupation but , in comparison with developments after 1975 , the 1930s seem to have been a period during which previous social forms were suspended rather than transformed .
10 Comfrey is one of the herbs that seem to have been a remedy for all ills , and one that the mediaeval and Elizabethan physicians and herbalists would never be without .
11 Reliefs or statues on Attic graves in this period seem to have been a fashion among the rich aristocracy , especially for those who died young .
12 ‘ Your interviews seem to have been a great success , ’ said Melissa casually as she helped herself to cheese .
13 ‘ I seem to have been a shock to a number of people .
14 The bombardment destroyed our first system , of course , and there seem to have been a lot of gas shells landing amongst our gunners — those that were n't killed — and they say the Hun did a lot of damage with his trench mortars and those awful Minenwerfers .
15 I suppose in the nineteen fifties we all thought that was the answer to energy production , but there seem to have been a lot of problems over these since then .
16 Significantly , on the following day at Smithfield , after the deaths of Sudbury and Hales , there seem to have been no further demands concerning ‘ traitors ’ , but further ones about social and legal status , that there should be no lordship apart from the King 's , that the Church should be disendowed and ( cryptically ) that there should be no law except that of Winchester ( 11 , pp.161–5 ) .
17 The first people to have appreciated and replicated patinas seem to have been the Chinese .
18 Such times are unusual , yet they do occur ; with hindsight , they often seem to have been the result of the right combination of people , time and place .
19 Some general stimuli seem to have been the persistence of higher birth rates in rural areas ( which meant pressure on land ) , the attractions of city life , better public transport , which made it easier for cities to recruit labour from a wider area , and , above all , the creation of employment as industry grew up near supplies of raw materials and important transport centres .
20 Only Jean de Grilly ( seneschal 1266–8 ) and Thomas de Ippegrave , clerk of Edward 's household ( 1268–9 ) , seem to have been the results of Edward 's own personal choice .
21 Where lands were lost by churches , as in Aquitaine , the main beneficiaries seem to have been the local aristocracy — who traditionally cast greedy eyes on ecclesiastical wealth .
22 The men behind this ordinance seem to have been the greater merchants , who hoped to control the trade more strictly in their own interests , but the new system was never wholly enforced .
23 On this occasion the Hansards seem to have been the main beneficiaries from the decline in the activity of other alien merchants , but they too could be affected by political rivalry , and periods of tension between England and the Hanse towns , even if this fell short of war , were marked by substantial falls in cloth exports by the Hanse merchants .
24 The fruit-eating primates of Africa seem to have been the origin of the human stock , one way or another , whether the immediate ancestors were derived from an Asiatic ‘ Homo erectus ’ or not .
25 They seem to have been an unscrupulous family , willing to exploit their closeness to the crown .
26 The profits are not easy to assess , in the absence of receipts for copper sales , but seem to have been an average of £1,248 per month in 1844 and £2,952 p.m. in 1846–7 .
27 They seem to have been an unscrupulous family , willing to exploit their closeness to the crown .
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