Example sentences of "seem have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as sensations are ‘ things excited in our minds ’ , they seem to have the character of particulars ; but in so far as the same sensation can be excited by any one of numerous objects , they ( the sensations ) seem to have the character of universals .
2 In so far as sensations are ‘ things excited in our minds ’ , they seem to have the character of particulars ; but in so far as the same sensation can be excited by any one of numerous objects , they ( the sensations ) seem to have the character of universals .
3 It 's just those few , committed capitalists that see profits as the only , the only motive to be on this earth , that seem to be , was was they seem to have the influence in this in this country , and and like er , I 'm I 'm hoping that this er , er British Government objection to the Court of Justice does fail , as as is er suggested it may do , erm , and let's let's hope it does , and let's hope that we get this er , implemented .
4 They seem to have the idea that getting married will make the other person their property .
5 CERTAIN PARTIES in pop seem to have the idea that the '70s were all glory .
6 You know , some patients I could think of seem to have the idea that everything should be done for them in hospital
7 We may also note that certain verbs seem to have the notion of change of state as the principal part of their meaning , not only make ( in one of its values ) as already cited , but also have ( again in one of its meanings ; see Chapter 9 for other uses ) , and render .
8 The British guns behind us seem to have the edge on the German artillery .
9 ‘ You seem to have the advantage of me , Fraulein … . ’
10 In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind of answer .
11 It 's an excellent idea , and sadly one that only custom builders — and one must include Jackson here , as Jackson include the feature on their ‘ custom ’ guitars — seem to have the time to implement properly .
12 Other species seem to have the nema extended into a kind of vane .
13 It appears that an increasing number of people are calculating their political support on the basis of the plausibility of the parties as governing parties , asking whether they seem to have the answer to the ‘ country 's problems ’ ( whether these be inflation , unemployment , taxation , law and order , trading position or whatever ) rather than voting , and engaging in political activism , on the basis of a deeply-felt class identification .
14 The remedies seem to have the power to help harmonize the body 's metabolic processes and to correct imbalances in them .
15 So it 's this kind of vague offstage ‘ others ’ who seem to have the power in that case .
16 Because I wonder why you have n't made many musicals — you seem to have the personality and the looks for it .
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