Example sentences of "walked [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I walked through the outer office where five or six guys were crouched over stacks of official-looking paper .
2 WYCLIFFE WALKED THROUGH the outer office , where the two girls were at work , and into the inner room .
3 They walked through the palatial foyer , then took the chairman 's lift up to the top floor .
4 She picked up her two large suitcases and walked through the small cool ticket office on to the station forecourt .
5 As we walked through the open-air lobby on our way to the beach , we drew a lot of curious looks from the other guests at the resort .
6 Feeling oddly remote , detached , Luce walked through the various rooms as though on automatic pilot , weighing up the pros and cons : accessibility , what space was needed , how the lighting could be arranged , the desirability of an exit at either end …
7 The morning she had slammed out of the house and walked through the blitzed London streets to Goddy 's office she had been out of her mind ; shell-shocked , or something .
8 " I do n't think , " she said to Enid as they walked through the tall wrought-iron gates , " I do n't think I shall be coming to Kew ever again . "
9 Maxim got up and walked through the inner door .
10 The first person she met when she walked through the backstage door was Josh , and , if the situation had n't been so terrible , his expression — which somehow managed to combine outrage , amazement and sheer blessed relief — would have been positively comical .
11 We walked through the gloomy , echoing streets to the pub , past turdy parks , past the Victorian school with outside toilets , past the numerous bomb-sites which were our true playgrounds and sexual schools , and past the neat gardens and scores of front rooms containing familiar strangers and televisions shining like dying lights .
12 He walked through the Blue Boar 's yard and on up the narrow lane which ran directly to the village of Purton , a distance of a quarter of a mile .
13 With full and proper ceremony he walked through the sacred fire and was accepted as pure by the god Asuryan .
14 Katherine , as she walked through the enlarged sweep of the living room with its creamy raw silk textures , its mix of low-slung sofas and older more ornately curved chairs , was radiant with satisfaction .
15 Welcomed aboard by the young and good looking French crew we walked through the automatic glass sliding doors into the air conditioned reception room and through to the main lounge finished with luxurious mint green leather settees , a piano and cocktail bar .
16 Yanto walked through the front porch of the pub and on into the flagstoned lobby .
17 We walked through the front door and into the bar .
18 They walked through the Haunted House .
19 Elisabeth was awed by the intensity of feeling awakened in her as she walked through the primeval forest , alone .
20 There we walked through the Green Dragon to the force , at a hundred feet the longest unbroken waterfall in England , and known to freeze into a massive ice tube in winter — Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy visited the spot and were impressed by its grandeur , so much so that William , ever the florid poet , wrote ebulliently to Coleridge , describing the visit :
21 As he walked through the wet grass , the locket and the thick scroll of paper banged at his chest , like an urgent warning .
22 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
23 But as he walked through the dim streets of London to Archer Street on the Friday evening , the mood was still with him .
24 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
25 She walked to the shops and back , sometimes walked through the back streets , once almost as far as Marcus 's flat ( but did not dare to go near it ) , avoiding the noisy King 's Road , and the embankment where Jack often walked with Alison , and as she knew , farther east where Ludens walked with Marcus .
26 When he saw the room was empty he turned and walked through the open doorway of Johnny 's room , searching .
27 She walked through the open window to the balcony .
28 She walked through the large hall , her footsteps echoing off the stone-flagged floor , but then she suddenly stopped .
29 Making a mental note to drop the watch into Merryfields watch repairs on his next visit to Berkeley , Yanto hitched the blanket around him and walked through the silent house into the kitchen .
30 ‘ What a disgusting thing to do , ’ she said aloud , as she walked through the silent house , picking up two items of Nick 's clothing from where he had flung them almost into the utility room .
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