Example sentences of "walked [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We walked for a mile or so , easily outpacing the vehicle which was soon just a pair of yellow lights back down the valley .
2 We saw herds of stags and although we never actually walked for a day when we did n't see anyone else , there was a week of walking when we only saw one other person for every day .
3 We walked for an hour without passing a single habitation .
4 I came back into the house soon afterwards , but Emily walked for an hour or two in the rain with her dog , Keeper .
5 One woman walked for an hour through the snow to catch the bus to Skipton , waited for three and a half hours to meet Hannah , and still went home smiling .
6 Past the school I walked through a stone gate manned by two uniformed guards into the first courtyard ( the palace has fifteen ) , which is overlooked by a high drumtower , used three times a day to summon the household for prayers .
7 A BOY of 11 beat off a drunken sex attacker who jumped on his mother as they walked through a churchyard .
8 We met His Worship Mayor Camilien Houde in the anteroom , about a dozen of us , and walked through a passageway under the bleachers to the side of the rink .
9 Then turning to the left he walked through a door to the back of the parlour .
10 They walked through a dapple of sunlight that shifted as the breeze shifted the leaves .
11 In another , stalactites reached down to the floor and they walked through a forest of pillars .
12 As we walked through a network of pipes and valves we realized that this was what Hinkley C would look like before its radioactive inventory took over and no human beings could enter where we were standing .
13 Scheduled to appear in 38 Carry Ons but only appeared once by mistake when he walked through a shot by accident .
14 Charlotte followed obediently at his heels as they walked through a district of narrow , dirty streets .
15 First , each donned sunglasses , jeans and a white laboratory coat and then walked through a colony of prairie dogs while an assistant tape-recorded the resulting alarm calls .
16 The girl was grabbed from behind and dragged into bushes as she walked through an estate in Milton Keynes , Bucks .
17 A large framed photograph of Joe Louis in fighting stance looked menacingly down at him from a supporting beam as he walked through the saloon bar doorway .
18 As we walked through the hills we saw several large herds of long-horned cattle , guarded by warriors called morani who were stern but not unfriendly , and brightly decorated , like our guide , with their faces painted and hair thick with ochre .
19 I took a few drinks up there ( including some for Zak and Donna , which amused them ) , and on my way down the stairs saw the backs of Mercer , and Bambi , Filmer and Daffodil , as they walked through the lounge towards the door to the private car .
20 Two men walked through the downpour , their heads pulled into their coat collars .
21 As they walked through the lamplight of the Ropewalk , Maxim noticed a small incised plaque to Lord Macaulay , who had lived there in the 1840s .
22 I walked through the clearing-house , the bench-lined locker-room , past full trashcans and the rods of old radiators .
23 He heard the lamentations and cries as he walked through the Galilee Gate , and hurried around to the main entrance where a distraught Lady Amelia was being supported by the two Sub-prioresses , their own cheeks wet with tears .
24 Then she let herself out of the door and walked through the yard , muttering quietly to Ferry , so that he would know who it was .
25 As he walked through the yard he heard Renee 's shrill voice .
26 They walked through the barbican of the Rorim into the cobbled courtyard beyond .
27 It occurred to me that as I had met nobody as I walked through the gate and went upstairs , there was no need to encounter anyone now , going down , and I moved my chair from the window .
28 A knot of men stood on the other side of the broad avenue as he walked through the gate .
29 Hassan now smiled his wide smile of understanding and genuine friendship , and they walked through the gate .
30 As we walked through the gate , Hannah popped out of the byre and asked us to wait until she had finished showing someone else round .
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