Example sentences of "compared with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The vice-presidency was won by Senator Tommy Remengesau who polled 51.7 per cent compared with the 48.3 per cent of the vote won by Sandra Pierantozzi .
2 Overall , compared with the 1992 general election results , support for the DC dropped by 4.8 per cent , for the Socialists by 3.6 per cent and for the PDS by 1.9 per cent , while the Northern League increased its share of the vote by 3.4 per cent , La Rete by 2.7 per cent and the MSI by 1.7 per cent .
3 Its extraordinary jurisdiction in civil matters was compared with the extraordinary jurisdiction of the now defunct Star Chamber in criminal matters .
4 5 The average height of a man is about 1¾ which is quite short compared with the polar bear of height 2⅝m that was found in Alaska in 1962 .
5 The NVQ system allowed learning at students ' own speeds compared with the three-year registration period of the Institute , which might have to change to an annual registration period and fee as a consequence .
6 The praise bestowed on the adaptation of literary classics , the films of the foreign directors , and the role of Vidor always stressed the relative realism of these films compared with the standard product and was testimony to the extent to which the feature film had moved away from the era of social preoccupations when it had been felt that social preaching was the obvious subject-matter for Hollywood .
7 When compared with the standard reference values accordinly to the patients ' age group , the individual serum total cholesterol values for men and women were seen to have a propensity to fall within or below the lower end of the normal range .
8 The inevitability of the next step in her relationship with Jack faded into insignificance compared with the sheer terror she was experiencing at the thought of going on his bike .
9 Because of the short period between birth and marketing , the treatment of PGE in lambs is an inferior policy compared with the preventive measures discussed below .
10 But in the general debate on privatisation , he illustrated the higher Civil Service 's preference for the first-class generalist with a philosophic overview as compared with the grubby technician .
11 Latterly they looked increasingly obsolete when compared with the modern cars operated by Blackpool , and indeed most of them dated from the early years of the Century .
12 Although the angle on the blade is quite large when compared with the normal , nevertheless it must be kept well sharpened .
13 A firm in Croydon , Surrey , said the charge , before treatment , would be £30-£40 , compared with the normal £9 .
14 They wilt readily learn to distinguish light from dark and there is some evidence that they can also distinguish patterns and colours , although it must be said that this capacity is extremely limited compared with the normal capacities of the animals concerned ( Pasik and Pasik 1982 ) .
15 As expected , CFTR-dependent , cAMP-stimulated chloride secretion was significantly reduced ( P 0.01 ) in both the tracheas and caeca of the cf/cf mice compared with the normal ( +/+ ) mice .
16 In the patients , in addition to an increased frequency of bowel actions ( p<0.001 ) , there was reduced bile acid absorption , ( p<0.001 ) a higher prevalence of lactos malabsorption ( p<0.05 ) associated with a reduced dietary intake of dairy products ( p<0.02 ) , and faster small intestinal ( p<0.001 ) and whole gut transit ( p<0.05 ) when compared with the normal subjects .
17 The percentage of patients with normal mucosa was significantly less in the alcoholic group compared with the normal groups .
18 Osteroporosis is more common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) compared with the normal population , and causes significant morbidity when fractures occur .
19 In one way or another , the representatives will be compared with the total client system .
20 There is therefore no widespread procedure of aborting the mentally handicapped , and thy numbers of abortions on these grounds are comparatively small compared with the total number of abortions and total births .
21 % max. with zygomatic : the numbers of maxillae with part of the zygomatic process remaining compared with the total number of maxillae in the sample ( given in the appendix ) .
22 % max. incisor loss : numbers of maxillae without incisors compared with the total numbers of maxillae ( given in the appendix ) .
23 % inferior border broken : numbers of mandibles with the inferior border damaged ( defined as in figure 3.12 ) compared with the total numbers of mandibles in the sample ( given in the appendix ) .
24 % molars broken in situ : the numbers of molars in the mandibles and maxillae that are broken compared with the total number of molars present in the laws .
25 % isolated molars broken : the numbers of isolated molars that are broken compared with the total numbers of isolated molars in the sample ( given in appendix ) .
26 % molars digested in situ : the numbers of molars in the mandibles and maxillae that show some evidence of digestive corrosion compared with the total numbers of teeth present in the jaws .
27 % isolated molars digested : the numbers of isolated molars that show some evidence of digestive corrosion compared with the total number of isolated molars in the sample ( given in appendix ) .
28 % femur heads digested : the numbers of femur heads present in the sample that show some evidence of digestive corrosion compared with the total numbers of femur heads in the sample .
29 One gain might come from the elimination of the discount in Gencor 's share price as compared with the total value of its subsidiaries — a discount that has recently been as high as 4 billion rand .
30 Compared with the total debts of the 18 poorest African countries ( about $10 billion ) , the American offering is tiny .
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