Example sentences of "compared with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The experience of the Highlands and Islands Development Board ( 23 ) indicates that on those farms using HIDB loans to assist development schemes , full-time labour ( occupiers and workers ) increased by 30% between 1969 and 1972 compared with a regional decline of 8% during the same period .
2 He said problems in regional aircraft , which include the Jetstream turboprop business , at Prestwick , were largely responsible for an operating loss of £81 million in 1992 , compared with a restated figure of £215 million the previous year .
3 As the reader will appreciate , the degree of risk varies depending on the nature , size and use of each loan , e.g. a three month trade finance loan compared with a twelve year project loan .
4 While the proportion of other women at work has remained between 40 and 60 per cent , the early decades ( Table 3.5 ) showed 10 per cent or less of married females at work , compared with a recent ( 1988 ) figure of 55.7 per cent who were economically active .
5 Bank lending however is not noticeably buoyant , with sterling lending by the UK banks rising less than £200 million in February , compared with a revised £1.1 billion in January and a recent monthly average increase of almost £700 million .
6 The £78 million fund , managed by Murray Johnstone , achieved a 10.7 per cent return on net assets , compared with a 22.2 per cent rise in the Index over the same six-month period .
7 What he was envisaging may even be compared with a modern community centre with craft centres and other amenities .
8 ‘ What 's a Versace or two compared with a Corosini costume ? ’ he said encouragingly .
9 Not much compared with a redundant commercial package wasting shelf space .
10 Official provisional statistics registered a 7.4 per cent growth in gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1989/90 , compared with a negative growth rate of 11.4 per cent in fiscal 1988/89 .
11 For their UK data ADD carried out such a test and obtained a test statistic of 17.93 which has to be compared with a critical chi-square value of 15.5 at the 5 per cent level and 20.1 at the 1 per cent level , with 8 degrees of freedom .
12 The return on assets works out at 1.8 per cent compared with a 3.75 per cent target set by the Government .
13 The Eagles are finding it difficult to take off but were still compared with a high-flying elite — the SAS .
14 The configuration of the rectal pressure/volume relationship was linear in patients compared with a reversed ‘ S ’ shape in normal subjects .
15 To do this , an ideal model based on the equality paradigm was constructed and then compared with a neutral model reflecting the further education system as it existed before the Act took effect .
16 Further , the cases in question will be compared with a wide sample of cases disposed of under the 1964 Act .
17 Mr Owen-Jones said it had been a particularly difficult year in Britain where sales had fallen 12 p.c. compared with a worldwide increase of 10 p.c .
18 In the past two quarters manufacturing output per man-hour fell by an annual rate of 1.1% , roughly the same as in previous recessions , but non-manufacturing productivity — a good proxy for services — rose by an annualised 1.2% compared with a typical decline of 1.5% in past recessions .
19 BP reported a first half net loss of £717m compared with a net profit of £834m in the same period last year .
20 It can be compared with a civil engineer 's piling hammer , when the great weight is hauled to the design height and released by a slip catch .
21 In calm water there was little difference in the ride compared with a glassfibre boat .
22 Moscow to Nakhodka , St Petersburg to Vladivostok — however one measured it , that scheme would be wellnigh 6,000 miles long , compared with a mere 3,420 for New York to Los Angeles or 3,500 miles for the never-completed Cape to Cairo .
23 Nevertheless volcanic bombs were hurled this distance compared with a mere 25 miles from the more publicized Krakatoa eruption .
24 On April 2 share prices fell by almost 2,000 points as the Nikkei Average index plummeted by 1,987.30 points to close at 28,002.07 ( compared with a record high of 38,915.87 on Dec. 29 , 1989 ) .
25 Since the cash outlay on initial margin is only a small fraction of the value of the futures contract , price movements in the underlying asset have a magnified effect on this investment compared with a straight purchase of the underlying asset .
26 This distribution pattern may be compared with a similar brooch type found commonly in the upper Thames valley , the cast saucer brooch .
27 Allen , Hogg , and Peace undertook empirical research in three authorities where the care experiences of 100 old people living in the community but ‘ at risk ’ of residential care were compared with a similar number of old people living in residential care ( 52 in private homes and 51 in Local Authority homes ) .
28 One interesting study from Edinburgh University , published in The Lancet , found that men with angina had lower levels of vitamins A , C and E in their blood compared with a similar group who did not suffer from heart disease .
29 Sixty odd years separate this work from The Birth of Tragedy and compared with a similar span of years since Winckelmann 's revolutionary study of Greet art , the later period , viewed as a period of German Hellenism , is anti-climatic .
30 The effects of the fluctuation persisted throughout the year and into 1983 , bringing 108 mm of rainfall at Guayaquil in Ecuador in November , compared with a normal figure of 8 mm , and 614 mm ( normally 214 mm ) at the same site in January 1983 , compared with a record of 701 mm in January 1973 , the only higher figure ever recorded there .
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