Example sentences of "reference [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Terms of reference for due diligence will naturally be a matter for yourselves and the investigating accountants to consider and agree .
2 This manual is essential reference for all LIFESPAN users .
3 Then you 've got to think of your references problem is the job that I 'm applying for is working in the school and my reference for primary school is Redland School cos that 's where I was I thought ooh yes that would be laugh if I apply for Redland School yeah great so it 's gon na come under wor work experience and reference I do n't know you can put
4 This provides a useful reference for future work , since the DC is not removed from LIFESPAN .
5 Minna and Brenda are the two heroines in ‘ The Pirate ’ who had become fashionable shorthand reference for rural femininity .
6 His list of 400 healing plants , described and detailed in four books , is probably the most famous materia medica of all , and continued to be a standard reference for European medicine for the next 1,500 years .
7 In fact I am finding it difficult to establish the exact terms of reference for this study , given that a number of related studies are already underway .
8 The terms of reference for this enquiry were ‘ To review the way in which public funds are used to support community care policy and to advise on the options for action which would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
9 The terms of reference for this review stated very clearly that the extent of resources being made available for community care was not being questioned .
10 The terms of reference for this commission were similar to Newsom 's in 1968 , but concerned with independent day schools and direct grant schools .
11 If this is a primitive point of reference for social criticism , it nonetheless equipped Leapor to make a brave and significant statement on rural life .
12 However , the C , C E C feels it needs to consult with regions , it needs more closely to examine the point in question and we would ask for reference of that resolution .
13 During their hearings , the prosecution had made no reference of any kind to suggest that the authorities had information to connect them with the murders or the alleged meeting to plan it .
14 No reference of any kind was made by anyone to George Brown 's ill-advised remarks .
15 Erm , the the reference of last resort was Mr Thomas 's reference erm it it is not a reference which I think you find anywhere er in government guidance , and I think what P P G thre three says is the opportunity to pursue them will be relatively rare , we think this is a relatively rare circumstance , er in North Yorkshire , it 's unique , er and it 's entirely driven er by justifiable er reasons to protect the the wider environment of Greater York .
16 In practice it is almost invariably the Director General who acts , though the Secretary of State initiated the reference of British Gas to the MMC in 1992 .
17 If you wish to follow the same route successfully you will need a reference of some sort and the Ponzo C tutor is a very good source of information .
18 The terms of reference of this committee referred to the need for local government to ‘ continue to attract and retain people … of the calibre necessary to ensure its maximum effectiveness ’ ( Maud 1967 , Vol. l:iii ) .
19 The precise status and terms of reference of this committee remain obscure .
20 Textermination is a work of reference of this kind .
21 It makes perfect sense that old , disabled and non-adult persons should be excluded from the reference of this phrase , but no sense that women should be excluded — unless the word adult really means adult male .
22 Such questions go well beyond the scope of this book , but they point us away from the epistemological frame of reference of this chapter towards the socio-cultural one of the next .
23 The composition and terms of reference of urban development corporations will be changed immediately and they will in due course be wound up in an orderly way .
24 I am also discussing the terms of reference of another study on coastal zone management in Wales with CCW .
25 As you will know I may make a reference under this section when I desire the opinion of the Court , not on the whole case but on a point arising on it .
26 Whatever the case — and the religious context is a problem that will be considered with wider reference in due course — it is at church that the parish clerk , Absolon , is introduced .
27 However , sometimes there is reference in ancient church records showing payment for the purchase of woods , which would relate to the materials used for the benches and their ends .
28 These seemed to be excellent local background material and I was able to use quite a number of facts from the pamphlets , giving the appropriate reference in each case .
29 The reference in that policy is to development outside the existing built-up areas .
30 Amendments made : No. 82 , in page 59 , line 34 , at end insert — ( ) In section 65B ( provision for recorded children who have ceased to be of school age ) after subsection ( 6 ) there shall be inserted the following subsection — ( 6A ) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph ( c ) of subsection ( 6 ) above , the reference in that paragraph to any other body shall include a reference to the board of management of a college of further education ( within the meaning of Part I of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act 1992 ) making provision from which , in the opinion of the authority , the child might benefit .
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