Example sentences of "ran out of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But as those boxing her in came away from the rails at the entrance to the home stretch she found a good run up the inside , and when Teleprompter ran out of stamina with just over a furlong to go Pat Eddery shot the favourite into the lead and made for the wire .
2 Krupp grew so fast between 1855 and 1866 that he ran out of capital .
3 ‘ I ran out of steam .
4 But Biggs also ran out of steam as the contest progressed towards the later rounds although he managed to conceal this inadequacy from the British champion .
5 On the return journey up the incline from Coombe the engine ran out of steam , causing passengers for Plymouth to miss their last connection .
6 But , although they nearly ran out of steam and were forced to settle for a less than emphatic 27–24 margin of victory as the ‘ Boks came back at them , Sean Fitzpatrick 's side — with the Jones boys Ian and Michael , Zinzan Brooke and Frank Bunce outstanding alongside their skipper — were worthy of being the only New Zealand side ever to go through South Africa undefeated , albeit on an abbreviated tour .
7 In all honesty , the history of commercial rose-growing is a trail of trumpet-blowing and publicity , so often followed by silence as the subjects ran out of steam and fell by the wayside .
8 My great-grandmother preferred to begin a meal with pudding in case she ran out of steam before the last course .
9 The whole of the introduction was a solemnly tongue-in-cheek exposition of this notion , though Greg had the impression that later the joke rather ran out of steam ( as the book very nearly did run out of authors to treat ) .
10 Barnsley 's John Mayock , who had been fancied possibly to go one better in Toronto than his silver in last year 's European Indoor Championships , ran out of steam as the pace hotted up in the 3,000m final , and could only finish sixth , in 7:54.41 , some four seconds behind Italian winner , Gennaro Di Napoli .
11 But he ran out of steam in the closing stages , took a 6 at the long sixth , and gave hope to the rest that the £41,660 top prize might still be available .
12 Ran out of steam after eighteen laps .
13 We just ran out of patience with him .
14 He ran out of patience too .
15 They ran out of patience with £2.1 million record signing Fleck , who has just three goals all season , and sang ‘ What a load of rubbish ’ .
16 Jessamy suddenly ran out of patience .
17 When the NAAFI ran out of cups , the old dear was at her wits end and sent for the orderly corporal , who in turn sent for the orderly sergeant .
18 The Ti'ko article , as you will have seen by now , appeared in the December issue — we ran out of space , as sometimes happens on a busy magazine .
19 He wrote it and handed it to me for this newsletter and I ran out of space .
20 The Chethams ran out of heirs and in 1819 so did the Cottons , with the death of William Cotton .
21 Erm because we ran out of electricity on lunch time on the Saturday .
22 I ran out of money and places to stay .
23 In 1886 they ran out of money and the bank foreclosed .
24 Since 1983 , changes in social security regulations have given private-sector providers of residential and nursing-home care the confidence to expand because a subsidy was available for those residents without means or who ran out of money to pay the fees .
25 Ran out of money today .
26 The trail begins with the now defunct Whitechapel Workstations Ltd back in 1987 , which ran out of money in April 1988 only to be bailed out by a European consortium funded by Barron International Holdings of Gibraltar .
27 The company 's managing director , Howard Sayles , says that the company ran out of money because of a lack of short-term contracts .
28 He ran out of money and had to sell off 40% of his company , and only after six to seven years and scores of design failures did he finally begin to make some money from his enterprise .
29 The gas-fire ran out of money and dropped abruptly into the five little blue blisters ; then it died altogether .
30 They ran out of money , and they 've had to be supplemented since to get the job finished .
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