Example sentences of "led to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The defeat of the Welsh rising of 1294 led to the inception in 1295 of James 's last great commission , Beaumaris Castle in Anglesey , Britain 's most perfect example of the concentric castle plan .
2 In soil science emphasis had naturally proceeded towards soil processes including soil biology and microbiology ( e.g. Russell , 1957 ) as described in the New Naturalist Series of books and interest in soil processes and soil dynamics also led to the inception of new ideas .
3 Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong see the print revolution as an enabling condition for the establishment of fixed point of view which led to the rise of the novel ( McLuhan 1962:126–7,135–6 ; Ong 1982:133,148–9 ) .
4 In the 43rd minute United took the lead when involvement by Aaron Gardiner and Brian Devereux led to the ball being pulled across from the left to the far corner of the penalty area .
5 By contrast , inhibition of mannosidase I with DMJ reduced the molecular weight of several α chains and led to the expression of the smaller 105 kD pre-Β 1 chain on the cell surface .
6 This shift led to the return in 1892 of Keir Hardie as the first independent labour MP , and in 1898 of the first labour council in British electoral history .
7 This came as no surprise : the lunar-like data outlined above , the small size of Mercury and the corresponding likelihood of little geological activity , the absence of a significant atmosphere , the abundance of craters on Mars , all led to the expectation that Mercury would have craters .
8 Instead , he half lifted her down the rest of the stairs meaning to frogmarch her towards the door that led to the yard .
9 The success of this measure led to the deregulation of local bus services in 1986 , involving the break up of the National Bus Company and the introduction of private sector competition .
10 Despite these criticisms , the new programme is widely seen as an advance on the Karnataka Social Forestry Project , inaugurated in 1983 with World Bank funding , which led to the expropriation of common land for eucalyptus plantations , and clashes between vilagers and foresters .
11 We can keep up the pressure for more treaties just as public pressure led to the signing of the INF treaty in 1987 .
12 That proposal led to the signing of a treaty during the following year , and the setting up of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — N.A.T.O .
13 It was in this capacity that Le Duc Tho conducted secret negotiations in the early 1970s with Henry Kissinger , US President Nixon 's National Security Adviser , which eventually led to the signing of the 1973 Paris agreements .
14 For example , de Gaulle 's December 1944 meeting with Stalin , which led to the signing of a Franco-Soviet pact , did not bring any substantial diplomatic advantage to France ( although it did have favourable domestic repercussions ) .
15 His energetic , though convoluted , diplomacy gave reality to ‘ containment ’ with the formation of SEATO in May 1954 ; the extension of the Brussels Treaty in 1954 to include the rearmament of West Germany and the British pledge to keep four divisions on the Continent ; and the signing of the Baghdad Pact in February 1955 that led to the formation of CENTO in 1957 .
16 Nevertheless , the party could not entirely dissociate itself from the events which led to the formation of the National government , even if the chief villains , as far as it was concerned , were now in political opposition .
17 In addition , the conference was forced to accept the need to organize a campaign to compel the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention , an action which led to the formation of the Spain Campaign Committee .
18 But among those with special achievements to their credit were the branches at Knebworth ( Hertfordshire ) , Kelvedon , Manningtree and Wivenhoe ( Essex ) , all of which published village histories during 1953–54 ; at Hemel Hempstead which duplicated and sold Welfare and the State , the log-book of weekly discussions in a Long Terminal on ‘ Economic and Social Problems ’ held in 1956–57 ; at Linton ( Cambridgeshire ) which followed up a music course by helping to launch the Linton Music Festival in July 1957 , destined to become an annual event ; and at Colchester where a Tutorial on archaeology from 1955 to 1958 led to the formation of the Colchester Archaeological Group .
19 The Dutch types were overwhelmingly preferred during the 1940s , when there was a general boom for dual-purpose breeds in Britain , but a few Canadian animals were preserved , bolstered by Canadian gifts of heifers to promote the Holstein in Britain which led to the formation of the separate British Holstein Society in 1947 .
20 Mr Good 's interest in youth work led to the formation of a Youth Fellowship shortly after he came to the church .
21 Members began to go out into the country on day trips , and the first cricket match between two deaf clubs in the country , which later led to the formation of inter-institute sports activities of billiards , darts , and other sports , took place on 23rd July 1892 at Manchester between Manchester Deaf and Dumb Institute and the Bolton and Bury Institutes .
22 The general concern over the welfare of deaf people led to the formation of more institutes and to centres for the deaf being opened in towns and cities where previously none had existed .
23 But more immediately it reminds us that the imperial invaders played the role of the Persians ; that Barbarossa 's efforts systematically to reduce the cities of the north — and less systematically , those of Tuscany and Umbria — led to the formation of the First Lombard League ; and that the long struggle with the Hohenstaufen was one of the preludes to the formation of the civic empires which dominated late medieval Italy .
24 Half a century later , in 1969 , First Artists Productions , a new independent film company , was set up by Paul Newman , Sidney Poitier and Barbra Streisand , with a similar aim — a balance between mammon and idealism — to that which led to the formation of UA .
25 BBC2 controller Alan Yentob said : ‘ It 's a fascinating story about a family business which led to the formation of the commercial network . ’
26 The initiative which led to the formation of the UDC was taken by Charles Trevelyan on August 5th , the day after he resigned from a junior ministerial post at the Board of Education .
27 Within six months , however , he had left the Party and set out on the road that led to the formation of the British Union of Fascists in 1932 .
28 The Edwards Committee report in 1969 supported the concept of a ‘ second force airline ’ and ‘ dual designation ’ of routes ( ie having two British airlines on any given route ) and led to the formation of British Caledonian , as a result of a merger of two small independent airlines .
29 The volume of requests for advice and resource skills training addressed to existing resource centres in the late 1980s led to the formation of the Community Resource Centre Training Project .
30 Even so , the conversion of Conservative chancellors to some form of planning — beginning with Selwyn Lloyd in 1960 — which led to the formation of the National Economic Development Council in 1962 , represented a new element in economic policy [ Polanyi , 1967 ] .
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