Example sentences of "led them into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He led them into a room overlooking an attractive courtyard , with a paved area surrounded by shrubs .
2 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
3 ‘ We are a scientific community , ’ he said as he led them into a dismal cavernous hall , ‘ and also a spiritual one . ’
4 He led them into a small , more comfortable room behind the great hall where a fire burnt in the canopied hearth ; it was cosier and not so forbidding , with its wood-panelled walls and high-backed chairs arranged in a semi-circle around the hearth .
5 Flunkeys led them into a private part of La Noblesse where they were warmly greeted by an expansive Grunte , who presented the ladies with a flower and with grave courtesy showed each to her seat .
6 He led them into the mortuary , and pulled the sheet back from the body of the girl .
7 He then led them into the Catherine Palace , once more brandishing his authority whenever an official came forward to stop them .
8 A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit , called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium .
9 He led them into the kitchen , chatting to Blanche and Dexter as if they were house guests rather than police officers who had come to interview him about a murder .
10 Lady Macleod received the travellers in ‘ a stately dining-room ’ , fed them and led them into the drawing-room for tea to meet the family .
11 As the Galks led them into the desert , the travellers could see the Cun arguing with the skull people , trying to reclaim their raw meat .
12 A gaoler led them into the porter 's lodge , the fellow bowing and scraping as he recognised Sir John .
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